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If I might introduce myself to be the finest of literature that is my journal. Surprised I didn't say diary are you? Just because I am third in line to become Empress does not mean I am all mamsy damsey! Oh, scratch that! I can't bother to be so daft as to even try to seem important. Though, regardless to my attempts at avoiding the ever-growing spotlight, it seems that I am alas the only heir to my father's seat in the Magisterium. Well, in all technicality the truth runs along the lines of the fact that I am the only heir deemed fit and able to accept such a position the basis that one must still remain living in order to fill such a role, and alas out of those heirs, I am the only one to meet that qualification. And before I send any more readers into a state of shock, mouths agape like a fish thrown on land, yes I am indeed talking about "that" Magisterium. Dreadful indeed is it not? The big bad Tevinter Imperium- Aha! On with the blood mages and demonic sacrifices, no? Well in fact, as shocking and contradictory to everything that you've Southerners' have been force-fed to believe all your lives, As much as you might detest it, the truth of the matter is that, believe it or not we are not all that bad. Surely you couldn't doom an entire country based solely on our undeniably grand history? Tsk, tsk. I wouldn't be the slightest bit surprised.

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