prologue - fate has been determined

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Grima table
" Ah pirnce chrom, it seems you have arrived just in time. Oh and you brought Robin as well " validar cried as Robin and Chrom ran to the back of the temple.
"VALIDAR, we will avenge all the people that fell to get to here now. " Robin cried raising his levin sword.
" oh, I forgot I killed them as well " Validar said smirking.
"Severa, morgan" Robin muttered looking down.
"Stow your fears friend. We will avenge them all. Lissa, Fredrick, owain, lon'que, sumia, Cynthia and all the rest. You shall pay " Chrom cried charging at validar with his falchion.
"Hmmm, weak" validar cried launching a spell to blast Chrom back.
" we can't beat him, not now at least" Robin cried as there was a lightning blast.
"Come on Robin, surely you believe that fate can be changed " Laurent shouted standing next to his mother and father.
" TIME TO DIE " Noire cried standing next to a paladin and sorcerer.
" HEY DAD "  severa and Morgan shout standing next to Cordelia, sumia and Lucina.
" now is not the time to give up chrom, we risked our lives to protect yours and Robins. You need to win " lissa cried as Fredrick nodded.
" with our friends here now, nothing shall stop us " Chrom shouted striking validar down with Robins thunder spell.
"Is he down for good " Chrom wondered as Robin fainted.
"Huh.... Robin " Chrom cried running over to him.
" CHROM " sumia cried as Grima appeared and stabbed Chrom.
"Urgh, chrom.... CHROM " Robin shouted seeing his doppelganger.
"Fate can be changed " Grima muttered knocking him out.

- 3 years ago -
Forest near South town
" after him for master validar " a grimleaf mage shouted as a man with white hair carrying a thunder tome and bronze sword ran through the woods.
" I...need to... warn... the Ylisstol queen " the man shouted tripping and falling down a side of a cliff.
" SEARCH THE AREA, we can't loose him. " the mage ordered as countless soldiers ran past.
" I... think... South town... is close by " the man muttered getting up holding his side as he trudged through the forest.
"Ha thought you could make it to there exalt" a soldier shouted stabbing the man with a lance.
"Thu-Thunder" he cried blasting the soldier back into a tree.
"Chrom that was a thunder tome " a blonde haired girl cried from a distance.
"Milord, milady. We should be careful, we may be close to South town but we are also close to the plegia border " a older man ordered as the girl screamed.
" chrom, look " the girl cried running over to the man.
"It looks like a provoked attack, milord. We should take him to the inn in South town till he awakens from his slumber "
"Right Fredrick carry him on your horse. Me and lissa can walk " Chrom explained.
"Chrom I can try healing him with my staff while we walk" lissa explained as they walked off with the man on Fredrick horse.

- Time skip -
South town
" that's all I can do at the moment, all we can do is pray he awakens from his sleep " lissa explained as Chrom nodded.
"Milord, I sent a mesenger to phila and emmeryn and explained to them the slight delay"  Fredrick explained as Chrom nodded staring at the man.
" see if his tome has a name and check his cloak. We can tell he is a mage that can wield swords " Chrom muttered as Fredrick nodded.
" lissa, I need you to go stock up on supplies, buy another staff, some weapons and food " Chrom ordered as lissa nodded heading out the room.
"Milord, the man is awaking "
"I can see Fredrick " Chrom explained cutting Fredrick off.
" Huh where am I, who are you" the man asked looking at Chrom and Fredrick.
" my name is Chrom, I am a Shepard. This is Fredrick, I also have a sister called lissa. Do you mind telling me your name " Chrom asked.
" My... name. I believe my name is Robin " Robin explained staring at Chrom and Fredrick.
" and I know who you are anyway. Tell me is she safe " Robin muttered looking at him.
"Who, who are on about " Chrom wondered.
"My daughter.... I need.... to find... mor" Robin muttered before passing out again.
"I believe sire he is tired and hungry, he might be seeing things. I will tell the inn keeper to bring food up " Fredrick explained heading out.
" look at how peaceful he is.... what is this feeling " Chrom muttered as lissa bursted in.
"CHROM, the town is under attack by brigands " lissa cried as Chrom looked out the window to people screaming.
" lissa tell Fredrick to get ready, we will defend South town from plegians " Chrom cried running out the room with his sword.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 08, 2019 ⏰

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