Chapter 1

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My name is Aria Jennings. Im from Melbourne,Australia but i live in LA. I moved about 4 years ago. The reason i moved was because i was bullied A LOT. People would call me "Ugly Ari" that was my nickname for all of year 7. At lunch people would throw their food and would tell me to eat it because i was fat. They would say my face is a place where mountains begin mainly because i had soooo many pimples. They would say that i cut people with my teeth because i had braces.

One day i was walking home from school and a group of guys came up to me. It was Luke brooks Jai Brooks, Beau brooks, Nash Grier and Ronald Hackett. They took my glasses of and threw them on the ground and stepped on them. I knew what was gonna happen to me i feared for my life.

They formed a circle around me and started kicking me and punching me.

"STOP I CAN'T BREATH PLEASE" i yelled then blacked out.

I woke up in a hospital is so many wires connected to me. I saw my mom on a chair by the side of my bed i asked her how i got here and how long i was here for . She said that she found me about a block from the school and that i've been in coma for about three days.

"Aria please tell me who did this to you they can't do anything to you anymore we were going to tell you this a couple weeks ago but we have moved to California we thought i it would be best for you. When you were in a coma we quickly moved everything here your father also has a much better paying job"

I started crying tears of joy. This could be my chance at happiness.

----------4 Years Later-----------

I know your probably thinking what happened after i was in the hospital. I decided to do home schooling for about 2 years. In those 2 years i lost 90 pounds i got my braces off and i was told i didn't need my glasses any more and my acne cleared up. My body grew into itself and i have beautiful curves.

"Mom im going out with Erin and Jessica ill be back in a couple hours" (they were my best friends)

"Honey wait we have to tell you something"

"Uhh...okay what is it"

"Well your father got a job offer today thats gonna pay him 3x what he earns now. The problem is that its back in Melbourne"

"So he didn't take it right tell me he didn't take it"

"Aria im sorry were leaving in two days"

I ran out the house and drove to Erin's house. He tried so hard to cheer me up. Nothing could cheer me up cause i was going back to hell the place i swore never to go back to.

---------2 weeks later----------

Its been about a week since i got back to Melbourne. I go back to school today i was dreading it so much.

I got up out of bed. Took a shower, brushed my teeth, put on my mascara and did my hair and i was out the door. I didn't even bother talking to either of my parents.

I drove to school as i got out of my car everyone looked at me like if i was some kind of alien. I walked to my first class which was math and all the guys were looking at me. As i sat down the teacher asked for name i said "Aria Jennings".

"Well class this is Aria Jennings"

Then a boy yelled out " Hey its Ugly Ari! Except i can't call her that cause shes not ugly anymore shes hot"

I felt offended and happy at the same time cause someone called me hot.

Then 5 really cute guys walked in and starred at me.


I know this chapter kind of sucked but i just wanted to get everything introduced. The next chapter will be better i promise 🌚💓.

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