Primus Sake

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Primus looked over the earth and found a perfect timing and place to create fake human that he would control and keep a eye on his children.
The perfect timing was when Rachet was out of base to stretch his wheels when stars ream attacked. Poor Rachet would get locked in staises so Primus fining it a perfect moment he took the shape of a 18 years girl and actually trow a stone at Starscream and letting out some quite colorful insults. So yes it did not take long before Mr. Scream was trying to catch this human squeshy that was just to fast. He could not manage to get around to catch her before the backup arrived.

When the backup arrived Rachet looked over to the human girl that had potentially just saved his spark. So he being of the old type knew it meant spark depdt. So he walked over to her.
-human i am in spark dept to you so please let me guard you to its payed of.
The girl did not say a word just nodded and followed him to the ambulance. Where Primus made a phone from nothing where he wrote something like " don't have a house and did not know if I would manage to say it" making tears appear. Rachet being the mother hen he was tried to confort her and hummed slightly. Something that was bit aquard for Primus as now she had never in her existence experienced it as far as her memory unit let her look back.

-well come with me and I give you a place even if it is only a military base where I can ensure nothing will happen to you, he told her.
-I would love that, was her awnser.
She hugged the grumpy medic carefully not to tuch his mark on the back.

So on the drive she told him about a background that was not to unreasonable. But also giving him time to temper with human electronics to create the documents needed.
-by the way my name is Aurora, she told Rachet.

Rachet had in the beginning only planned her to stick around until it was payed of. But the more they talked the more he liked her. You see she was a kind human that actually took her time to listen and discuss. Her body never showing anything of fear that was weird but he did not care.
They figured out on the road back to base that she would get a room at his med Bay where she could live. Mainly because then he could keep a eye o. Her and do his work. What surprised him even more was the fact that she seemed really interested in helping him out.

-well this is your new home so welcome.
There was a empty room with a bed and desk in the med bay that was supposed to house human doctor but was made fast into a room for her.

Primus meet at the base Sam that recognized her presence. She had litterly speed walked over to him slammed her hand over his mouth and treated to kill him if he said a word. The other Autobots did not understand why Sam seemed so complicated to what she said. Some had tried to ask but he just awnserd "can't say".
So miss Aurora became quite fast almost like a legend at the base. As she actually had no fights with Rachet and was not afraid of him. There was rumors that someone had heard her threatening Rachet. She was also weary good with alien technology and seemed to keep avoiding Prime.
When they had first meet Prime had thouth his sensors where wrong. But Hatchet checked them and gave him a order to recharge for a few hours.

The next mech that had cauth her true identity was Rachet actually as she had been helping him with some self maintenance with taking out some dirt that had been stuck between his back plates making them itch.
She had tried to be careful but ended up slipping and to save her frø falling she had pushed her hand into some wires touching the markon his underform. Ending up in a force activation.
- woow, she whistled as wings of her energy suddenly spread from Rachet back.
And as now they where out they recognized her and so did he. Ending up in him kneeling before her.

It had taken quite a while before she had managed to persuade him to behave normally around her. She told him she was there to keep a eye and help bit out with a wicket smile. Let's say Bumblebee partner realized after a encounter with her that he was changing carefully into a autobot in sice of Bee something that was fine with him since Michele had broken up with him and he had given up living a normal life.

The next thing the bots realized that the eregon from Rachet was clearer and had much more power to it. Also they all seem to be getting better and those spending time in the medbay seemed to come out as almost new mechs. Things like the equall to cybertroniana corrosion was gone and their metals had actually gotten stronger.

The rumors where that Rachet had made a batch of some superpower ergon. That even the Cons got to hear it. Ending up with a attack in the base. But Primus bei g Primus that lived in the medbay did not let a bomb or a shoot tuch it. Actually under the attack Rachet had seen Barricade going for his medbay and where Aurora was. So he got there as fast as possible only to find Barricade outside the doors lying on the floor out cold with Aurora sitting on him with a smile.

-oh Primus, Rachet whispered as he took a photo of it.
- u called my name, Aurora awnserd teasnengly.

Ironhide coming around the corner With Prowl ended up both fritzing when they saw her on him.

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