#1- How You Sleep Together

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Thomas- You guys like sleeping on your sides facing each other. Thomas likes kissing your cheek and hand occasionally which makes it sweet. He isn't much of a cuddler but the simple things are his specialty😏

Newt- Newt is a HUGE cuddler and will hug you once you hop on the bed and never let go. You guys like to face back to back and he hugs you tight in his arms while lightly kissing the back of your head.

Minho- You guys basically like to spoon😉. He'll whisper cute random thoughts into your ear until you guys fall asleep. One time you tried to sneak away from him in the middle of the night and he just groaned and tightened his hold on you so you wouldn't escape

Alby- He lies on his back while you rest your head on his chest, your head going up and down to his breathing. Alby likes to play around with your hair until you drift into a deep sleep.

Gally- You guys sleep however depending on the day. Both of you kick around in your sleep so usually the blanket ends up on the ground and you're sprawled all over Gally, your legs entangled with his.


I'm taking requests for imagines and preferences. Please comment your name, guy, and story for imagines and random ideas for preferences. THANKS!!! LOVE YA GLADERS!!!

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