Chapter 1

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It was a cold winter morning in Jamonikai Village, and Lloyd lay asleep in his bed. Misako, Lloyd's mother, walked into the small one room house. She sighed and woke her son. "Lloyd, sweetie time to get up." She said as she gently shook him

"Okay Mom." Lloyd muttered as he sleepily sat up

Suddenly there was a knock at the door. "Who could that be? Misako asked as she walked to the door. Lloyd yawned as he got out of bed and started to get dressed

"Hey, Mom, do you know where my hoodie is?" Lloyd asked

"It's in the laundry basket."

"Thanks Mom!" Lloyd replied as he went to grab his hoodie, suddenly he heard his Mom gasp. "Mom? Something wrong?" Lloyd asked as he pulled on his hoodie

Lloyd heard the door slam just before Misako ran over to him. "Lloyd. Listen very carefully. I want you to put on your sneakers, and run."

"Run? Run from what?"

"Just listen. Climb up the tallest mountain. Your Uncle lives in the monastery at the top."

"Mom, what's wrong?" Lloyd asked Someone started banging on the door. "Mom."

"Go out the window." Misako handed Lloyd a note "Give this to Wu. Go now!"

Lloyd nodded and opened the window. He climbed out and ran through the alley. 'I'm so confused...' He thought as he ran 'Why did Mom tell me to run. And who's this Uncle? I've never met anyone in my family other than Mom.'

Just as he reach the edge of the village, he was stopped by two Royal guards. "Hey Kid, where're you headed in such a rush?" One asked

"My Mother sent me to give a note to my Uncle, he live at the top of the mountain." Lloyd replied, not knowing who was near by

"The only person who lives at the top of the mountain is the brother of the king, no one is yo see him."

"But he's my uncle."

The two guards suddenly kneeled. "Kid, get down, The King-"

"Who the hell is this kid?"

Lloyd spun around and saw a tall man, with four arms, and charcoal black skin, and glowing red eyes. He saw his Mom right next to the man. "Mom?"

"Mom?" The man's eyes widened. "Lloyd?"

Lloyd looked at his mom, she mouthed 'Run' over and over again "H-How do you know my-"

"It's me, your father."

"My... My father?"

'Lloyd, run.' Misako continued to say silently to Lloyd

Lloyd backed away from the man. He backed towards the mountain pass. "B-But"

"Come here." The man said

"Lloyd no!" Misako exclaimed

"Misako, you've already taken sixteen years from me!"

"Mom, Who-"

"Lloyd, this is your father, he's also the King of Ninjago, a long time ago I was married to him, but I left not long after you were born, and took you with me."

"Mom Why-"

"Lloyd, I left because the power of the throne corrupted your father, and I didn't want you to be corrupted by it too!"


"Enough!" Garmadon yelled "We are going back to the castle. NOW."

"What if I don't want to?" Lloyd asked


"What if I don't want to go to your castle. Maybe, I like it here. In Jamonikai Village."

"If I have this village burned to the ground you'll have to come."

"Would you really do that? From what I hear, very few people are happy in Ninjago. Mom and I were happy. I might not have many friends, but the five I have are good friends, and they live here. You burn this village down, and I definitely won't ever go anywhere near your castle."

Suddenly five brightly colored streaks ran past Lloyd. "Back off Your Highness." A teen in a red gi spat at Garmadon "You know who cares for this region."

"And you know that I'm merly gathering my son and wife. And that I don't need my brother's damn permission to go somewhere in my kingdom."

Misako looked at the group of Ninja, and made eye contact with one. She mouthed 'Get Lloyd out of here. Please.'

The Ninja gave Misako a strange look, but then nodded and grabbed Lloyd. The red Ninja whispered as he grabbed Lloyd "Sorry buddy"

"Kai?" Lloyd questioned quietly as the red Ninja lifted Lloyd off the ground and threw him to the black Ninja

"My SON!"

The Ninja ran up the mountain pass, taking Lloyd with them. "I can walk myself." Lloyd shouted after a few minutes "Also, Kai. I can tell that's you." Lloyd called out

"He's right, Cole put him down."

Cole set Lloyd down "Cole, you're a Ninja?"

"Yeah." Cole replied as he and all the other Ninja removed their masks

"Jay? Nya? Zane?" Lloyd asked

"Yep." Nya replied

"Did you guys know?"

"Know what?" Kai asked

"Did you know who my father was?"

"Lloyd listen-"

"Did you know, who my father was?"

"We did Lloyd, but listen. Our Sensei your-"

"Why didn't you tell me!?" Lloyd asked, on the verge of tears "If... If you had told me, maybe all this crap wouldn't be happening! Maybe-"



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