1. Someone new

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The alarm woke me up. I wanted to sleep , but my mom would not let it, in fact, she was afraid that teachers would yell at me for my sleep deprivation at school. I got up and brush my teeth. Then I went to school with Tyler.

Me: Tyler, are you okay?

Tyler: Yeah.

Me: Stop thinking constantly about Kate, you're better than her and you deserve better girl.

Tyler: It's not that easy.

* When we got to the school I saw a new student sitting next to me.

I wanted to say something to him:

Hey, my name is Jane, I'm glad.

*He just looked at me and continued to talk to Toby.

Class began, we were writing test. I  quite know it all, but one question I couldn't understand, so I looked in a  test of a new student named Ryan. He knew all questions.

Ryan: Professor, she is transcribeding from me !!

* And yes, our teacher is strict and she gave me F. I was angry at Ryan, he's a jerk. I was already a few times in punishment for bad grades.

Ryan: Oh, baby, don't cry.

I: And you don't be immature.

* I quickly pulled away from him and went home. I knew that when I come home it would be noise because my mom and dad are now divorced and they are arguing about me...

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