Curiouser and Curiouser

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A/N: This is quite different from my previous story. I'm not entirely sure if it's worth people, I'd seriously appreciate some feedback-- whether you think i should write more or not


It was quite comical really.

And to think none of this would’ve happened if it had not been for his grandmother slipping in the bathtub.

What was specifically funny about this situation was the spluttering and choking which followed The Realization. For a man who always treated his chocolate donuts as how one treats the ashes of a loved one—that is to say, with extreme care and reverence--it was quite rude, really, how he let it fall to the floor while spiting the half-masticated bits he had been currently choking on.

“Absurd! Rubbish! Malarkey! Madness!” he cried

Now I'd like to interrupt and mention that it is with great regret and a sorrowful shake of the head that I admit to his very annoying habit  of uttering words which more or less amount to the same thing. I suspect it has something to do with his need for the dramatic. Of course, there had repeated attempts on my behalf at convincing him to part with this quirk of his but he remained adamant, which is a pity, really. Every story teller dreams of a charismatic and eloquent protagonist, and I had had every intention of ending up with one such character, but I suppose, seeing as how not everyone is as fortunate as Ms Jane Austen, I’ll just have to do with this one. 

Anyway, back to where I was.

Some severe shaking of the head and rapid blinking followed the outburst. “It’s entirely the batty old trout’s fault”, he said, and then proceeded to curse his aged relative. Which you see, was quite unfair to the poor old lady since she couldn’t have possibly foreseen that her horrible brush with death would’ve lead to her grandson falling in love.

But of course, you probably have no idea what in the world I’m going on about--unless you happened to be walking down 53rd Avenue one particularly sunny March morning and chanced upon a man whistling a quite catchy show tune, in which case you were probably among the few who witnessed the Beginning of the Middle of How It All Began.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2014 ⏰

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