Start from the beginning

To review some of the facts given earlier about the moon, there are many references to the hollowness of the moon. As an example, re-read the following; "On November 20, 1969, the Apollo 12 crew jettisoned the lunar module ascent stage causing it to crash onto the moon. The Lunar Module's impact (about 40 miles from the Apollo 12 landing site) created an artificial moonquake with startling characteristics - the moon reverberated like a bell for more than an hour. This phenomenon was repeated with Apollo 13 (by intentionally commanding the third stage to impact on to the moon), with even more startling results. Seismic instruments recorded that the reverberations lasted for three hours and twenty minutes and traveled down to a depth of twenty-five miles, thus leading to the conclusion that the moon has an unusually light core or even none at all". This is concrete proof of the real status of the moon's internal structure, though scientists on earth could not realize this fact even after landing twelve people on the moon since 1969.

Here's more!

Many surface crusts are made of a material known as lunar regolith. Lunar regolith transforms into translucent forms through a process called agglutination when the regolith is subjected to high heat. In many places, parts of the moon's surface consist of translucent material embedded in the moon's outer crust. These surfaces allow a substantial degree of sunlight to penetrate into the caves. Most of this glass like surface material has been naturally formed, millions of years ago. Amongst the translucent surface areas, there are also many areas of near clear-glass transparency. Some of these areas are vast to the extent of spreading over several square miles. Though these large transparent areas are very limited compared to the total surface area of the moon, moon astronomers of the caliber of Galileo Galilei, have been using these windows as gateways to observe objects in outer space. Nevertheless, their knowledge of the planetary system and universe is very limited and cannot be compared to the discoveries made by Galileo. These moon astronomers can probably be compared to people on earth around 600 to 1000 years ago, who were interested in the heavenly bodies.

Due to refraction of the sunlight that penetrates into the caves, massive rainbow like color beams frequently appear in very many places inside the caves. Due to the vastness and the complexity of the spectrum of rainbow colors intermingling with each other, there is a stunningly beautiful visual effect inside the caves. The glow from the moon's outer surface when seen from inside the caves, gives a further dimension of beauty for the visual enjoyment of the people of the moon. However, where there are no transparent cave roof surfaces, the caves are gloomy and would be pitch dark if not for a small amount of light reaching them from adjacent caves.

Just as happens on the earth, the sunlight that penetrates through the transparent crust helps the growth of vegetation in the caves to a substantial extent. However sunlight is not the main light source in the caves. These sources are described later. The types of vegetation found in the moon are markedly different from the ones on earth. The plants commonly seen in the caves are quite short and look very much like the miniature trees, bushes and shrubs grown using Japanese "Bonsai" techniques. The total range of plant varieties does not exceed 5000 different types.

Though the moon has no atmosphere on the outside, the caves are filled with 'air' well suited to supporting the respiratory needs of life forms. Surprisingly, 90% percent of the moon's internal atmosphere comprises oxygen which exceeds the corresponding oxygen proportion in the earth's atmosphere. The moon's internal atmosphere also contains significant quantities of carbon dioxide, nitrogen, sulfur dioxide, methane and a very small quantity of other gases. The eco-system sustaining life is different to that on earth. The moon's cave system is not fully hermetically sealed as there are openings from the caves leading to the moon's outer surface. But these openings are few in number. The people of the Moon are well aware of the barren, austere conditions and the life threatening dangers on the moon's surface. As very orderly and self-disciplined citizens or as their brains have been programmed to do so, the people of the moon always keep away from those egresses and never attempt to go out to explore the outer surface.

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