Chapter 1: How did we end up here?

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Chapter 1: How did we end up here?

Her son had been gone for about two hours now, leaving her heart in its most disturbed beating session yet. She knew the feeling. It was the very same one when one of her kids either got hurt or was in trouble but she was trying to evade the realization and instead concentrated on the clothes in front of her.

 Washing three pairs of clothes had taken her too long, mainly because her mind and heart both were searching for her son. No, her heart was being naïve. Sure it was a tough time out right now and sure people had been steadily losing whatever shred of human civility that was left on Earth because of situations created which were not their faults. But she couldn’t possibly be the sole bread winner of the family any more. The kids were growing every day and oh so beautiful little Ayesha was now, if only her late father could see her grow up steadily. At 2 months, she was the most beautiful baby girl she had ever seen even if it was her own daughter. Even Rahim at 8 helped around the house as much as he could, she always felt bad that at a tender age like theirs, they shouldn’t have been exposed to such hardships in life. But most of all her son, Moe'en, had really stepped up at 16 and had volunteered at a local bakery shop to deliver their orders. Of course, she was proud of him but not at 16, he shouldn’t have to be out on the streets, not when they were so unsafe.

Her heart skipped a beat when she was brought back to her washing with a loud knock of the metal slab of a door. Without missing a second, she ran to the door and looked through the small peep hole Moe (as she called him with love) himself had made a long time ago. It was only out of habit that she looked through the hole because that door was so shaky, it was a surprise it was still attached.

On looking out, her heart steadily calmed down to see it was Moe, standing their beaming at her. “Ma, open up!” The lock on the door appeared to be a huge inconvenience as she tried to open the door without delay and have her son step into the house.

“Close the door, it seems to be getting worse every day. People order for bread but don’t ever have any money. It’s the same ever day, “If I don’t have any money, how will I pay you?!” It’s not my fault, don’t order if you don’t have any money!” He looked so exhausted to her, it was hard to even look at him, His hair was shabby from walking outside all day, clothes dirty and lack of sleep reflecting all over his face. A strong ache passed through her heart. What kind of a mother lets her children grow up like this?

“Ma, are you listening? Anyway, so this kid comes up to me while I’m on my rounds to deliver my orders and it was awful, Ma. He looked like he hadn’t eaten in three days and I couldn’t stop myself. I gave him some bread and paid for it myself. I know we are in a real tight situation right now,” he said taking his mom’s hand, “But I just couldn’t stop myself” She wouldn’t let him finish.

“Of course, Moe, I understand. What you did was very kind. I’m proud of you” saying she touched his cheeks and kissed his forehead. At that moment Moe looked up at his mother and saw the grief in her eyes. If only there was some way of getting out of this country, just far enough to get them to a safe place where people weren’t dying of hunger and loss of jobs. That too with the war coming up now, it was only a matter of days before the soldiers reached town and the bloodshed began. He shuddered at the thought and his resolve to save his family got stronger.

©Hafsa T.M [aka HTMwrites]

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