Soulmate - Dean/Castiel

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My mother always told me never to leave the house without my necklace. "It's no ordinary necklace, you see," she would always say as she brushed my hair before putting the necklace on me. "This necklace is special. This is only one half of the necklace. The other half belongs to the person who you are meant to spend the rest of your life with. The other half, my handsome Dean, belongs to your soul mate."

It had been years since my mother had said this to me, but everyday I remembered to put it on underneath my shirt for safe-keeping. Many people did not believe in the magic of necklaces. Others believed that there couldn't possibly be someone out there for them. Many chose to ignore them. Not me. I had promised my mother that I would try, when so many others had given up.

Many tried to win me over. Many tried, but all of them failed. I could feel my necklace grow colder and colder with every advance, every crack in my heart that my soulmate was nowhere near me.

Until one day is wasn't.

I was visiting my younger brother and his husband when I felt it: a warmth against my heart. My necklace. I look down to see it glowing through my shirt slightly. I look around the plaza. We had met in a plaza near their house in Verona, the old houses bleeding in with the bright blue sky. I see a man across the courtyard looking down at his chest, shock written clearly across his handsome face. He had messy ebony hair, chiseled features, and high cheekbones. When he lifted his head, I felt my breath catch in my throat. He had the most beautiful blue eyes, the color of the ocean during high noon. He does not notice me, but I cannot look away from him.

He's my soulmate. He has to be. But he turns and runs away from the square, and I want to get up and follow him, but I cannot simply abandon my brother. He would never let me hear the end of it.

A week had passed since I had spotted my soulmate. I didn't bother with trying anymore. I had found my soulmate. But why had he run away? Was he afraid to find his soulmate? I couldn't believe that. My mother told me that finding your soulmate was the greatest gift that was given to you during your time on this earth and after. It was believed that when you died, if you had found your soulmate, the two of you would be together for all eternity, in life, and in death. Humans are alone from the time of their birth until the day they die. But to have someone with you afterwards, instead of nothingness...

I shiver. No. I wouldn't give up. Not when I was so close. I continued walking into the downtown district. One of the benefits of living in a town like Campbell, California is that it's big enough to not be considered to be a small town, but intimate in a way San Fransisco could never be. I smile as I pass the recycled bookstore that my brother and his husband had met that day a few years ago. Sam had just broken up with his girlfriend (not his soulmate) earlier that week when he had met Gabriel (his actual soulmate) while trying to find The Perks of Being A Wallflower after his best friend Jess had told him that it was one of the best books ever written. Sam had nearly had a heart attack when he felt his own amulet glow in response to the stranger. Or that's what he had told me later when I had walked into our shared apartment to find the two soulmates cuddling on the couch later that day.

I smile at the memory as a fresh gust of wind whips around me, pulling my journal from my grasp. Oh, no. I never left home without my journal, just in case I had an idea while I was away from my computer. While being a high-school English teacher was my main profession, I had been writing since I was a child, having written my first novel all before I had turned seventeen. My mind snaps back to the present when my journal fall at the feet of a stranger. We both bend down to pick it up first, and when our eyes connect, I am shocked to find the same azure eyes that I had noticed over a month ago.

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