Chapter Seven

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Chapter Seven

"Hello, I'm calling to ask about the cake I’ve ordered at your bakery. It's, um, a football shaped chocolate cake… My name is Melanie Bruckner."

I waited for the shop assistant to check my order status. I could hear some papers shuffling and then, "Yes, the cake is ready to be picked up. Should we arrange a courier for you?"

"No, no, I'll pick it up myself, around five today. Thank you for information. Goodbye." I hung up, a grin spreading on my face. Brian's birthday party is tomorrow and although he finally decided to go with the Avengers theme, I thought a football cake would be a great present. It hurt me to watch him give up something he wanted because of some stupid conviction that he had. Themes or no themes, you can have a cake and eat it too. Literally, in this case.

I left the girls' restroom and headed to the cafeteria. Our school wasn't super strict about the usage of cell phones, but I didn't want to push it by talking on the phone during lunch. Although, not everybody was so considerate.

I was just gearing up to dig into my burger when I was interrupted by a well-known electro tune: 

I got passion in my pants and I ain't afraid to show it, show it, show it, show it

I'm sexy and I know it

I'm sexy and I know it

"You got to be kidding me," I groaned. "This is your ringtone?" I turned to Logan, who was pulling his phone out of his pocket. "It's not even the fact that this song is so 2011, which it is by the way, but… Really? Could you be any more conceited?"

"Hey, I don't comment on your fashion choices, so don't comment on my ringtone," he huffed, not even glancing away from the phone. He pressed 'Decline'.

"You WHAT?" I croaked.

Logan shrugged as he started texting vigorously. "Your clothes," he repeated. "They aren't very feminine, are they?"

He managed to offend me while writing a text at the same time. I was impressed.         

But, seriously, how dare he comment on my clothes? Okay, maybe I wasn't the sundress-and-flats kind of girl, but just because I was wearing a FC Barcelona jersey and a pair of Vans didn't mean I was vagina-less. I stole a quick glance at Ryan, wondering if he thought I was a tomboy and therefore incapable of inspiring romantic feelings.

Ryan was sitting with a petite brunette, whose name was Alexis, as I'd found out. Being the internet stalker I am, I found her on facebook and I learned she was a junior, of Greek origin and she played violin. Who the hell plays violin anyway?

"You seem to have a pretty good idea about what kind of clothes girls should be wearing," I said, still looking at Ryan and Alexis. There were laughing now about something he was showing her on his phone. I could feel my temper rising. "How do you feel about spandex? Cause guys think it's a girls' domain, but I'm not really sure." I paused, turning back to Logan, who was now eyeing me suspiciously, his phone forgotten. "But personally, when I hear spandex, I think superheroes and saving the world. You know what spandex is, don't you?" I asked because Logan was looking at me like I'd just grown a second head.

Before responding, he glanced swiftly at George and Justin, but they were deep in conversation with their own buddies and paid no attention to us. "I know what spandex is," he hissed.

"So you should know the world's greatest superheroes wore spandex suits. It's absolutely masculine." I could tell Logan was waiting for me to turn his own reckless words against him. And I did. Big time. "I think you would look great in spandex. And it so happens that by doing so, you would totally save my world. You wouldn't even need super powers."

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