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Cobalt is by far my favorite OC that I have. I might modify his name later to something that sounds better...Anyway, please question Cobalt he needs his daily social interaction.
Name: Cobalt Umbriss

Hair color: Pure white with a cobalt/royal blue streak in the middle

Eye color: Left eye is a mixture of hazel and light blue while his right eye is just plain blue

Weight: Skinny, a little less than the average weight

Height: A few inches taller than the average teen

Build: Cobalt is skinny due to the fact that he doesn't eat very much. Dispite his lack in weight, he makes up for it in strength.

Age: Almost 16

Clothing: He prefers active wear that feels comfortable to fight in

Personal Item: A scarf that covers most of his face

Likes: Cats, reading, and his scarf

Dislikes: Social interaction and his family

Family: Sarith (his father, alive), Lafeyra (mother, deceased)

Personality: Recluse, sensitive, independent.

Voice: I imagine Jeremy Jordan would be an excellant actor for him! Although it will change once I find a better one...

Fun Facts and Other Info

He's hypersensitive. A lot. Little things can set him off although he is working to fix this. Chains, dragons, metal fences, and ropes are only some of the things that give him a little heart attack each time he sees them thanks to his childhood treatment.

Childhood treatment? That's something you'll have to ask Cobalt himself. He doesn't tell anyone about his home life unless he trusts them completly.

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