We've Been In Love For 7 Years!

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My Name is Brooke and I'm 24 years old. 

My fiancé, Chelsea, and I have been in love since we were 17. Ironically enough, when we first met each other we HATED one another. Until we got paired together for a class project in high school, and literally two weeks after that I told her I loved her. 7 years later, I am more than ready to make her my wife. On August 30th, 2015 we plan to have a "Street Wedding". Where, her and I will literally meet up on a sidewalk in West Hollywood, followed by 30 of our closest friends and say "I do". Since we are only 24, that sounded reasonable cost wise, but we are still facing finical struggles. 

I truly believe that there is that one person in life that you just get. You don’t have to learn about them to decide if they’re “the one”. You simply know it from day one. We have so many strikes against us: we’re young; I’m black and she’s white; my parents are religious and don’t believe in gay marriage; etc. But I refuse to believe in all the reasons it won’t work, and believe in the one reason that it will – because we love each other whole-heartedly. I am at my most complete with Chelsea in my life and I want to give her an incredible wedding.

Anyway, I would love if you considered posting this. Every cent counts, and if people are unable to make contributions we ask that they share this post and get our story out to inspire those who know that it's like to be in love. We thought this would serve as great inspiration to those struggling to identify who they are at their core. Thank you for your consideration! 




She Hated Me. I Loved Her. Now We're Engaged. (LGBT Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now