Swinging by Moonlight

78 11 17

Rocking back and forth,

Gently side to side,

No work to make it move,

Just going for a ride.

Over trees and rocks,

Mountains and the sea,

The moonlight glowing soft,

A light in dark for me.

One night to see it all,

One night the moon is full,

The night I rope this light,

And rock by its strong pull.

Swinging by the moon,

Basking in the glow,

Never going fast,

But never does it slow.

Floating over ocean,

Fishes down below,

The universe above me,

The wind so softly blows.

Flying once in darkness,

With light still shining down,

Sadly seeing the stopping place,

In the sleeping town.

Carelessly I jump the height,

My careful speed is barred,

Flight controlled but flying still,

The wind my worthy card.

Landing softly by my door,

Looking back behind,

Staring at the swinging ropes,

One which my dreams had dined.

Instead of me is empty space,

My spot no longer warm,

Flying up the swing now rocks,

Without my heavy form.

But I know the rocks will cease,

And once again be soft,

When the next full moon comes flying by,

Ahh, the roof of my sweet loft. 


Hey guys! :D

Hope you like it!

<3 Lilly 

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