Part 1

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P.S. All the instructions, incoming from the Higher Inner Guru, were repeatedly re-checked. Moreover, if sometimes, out of curiosity, there was an intention to act differently, it took years to smooth and correct the events that had happen consequently.

One day, at the private conversation with SSB I asked Him, what my real name was. He replied immediately, "Rudra." After a while, I have learnt the meaning of this name. Nevertheless, SSB softened my name to "Maheshvari" afterwards. Moreover, He always put me in the very difficult complex situations and sent to the places, which were not easy at all. Only afterwards, I could understand the reasons behind all these situations.

That is why I accept all instructions, coming from God, without any analysis, arguments and doubts! They only require an immediate implementation. And only afterwards, they can be seen as timely, accurate and right.

The Universe moves in its own unique pace and rhythm, and it has its own unique schedule. Nobody has the right to change its movements, and its Plan.

The Universe is the embodiment of Life Itself in its whole completeness, diversity and Magnificence. Moreover, each movement of an individual soul strictly adhere to these rhythms of the Universe and Its Breath. Only when the soul merges in Unity and Harmony with the Universe – the glorious Way of the Soul unfolds in the multifarious manifestation of Life on the Planet.

It is impossible to express the Gratitude, which overwhelms the Inner Self for the chance, granted by God, to become a part of the events, which are tightly intertwined with the Higher design, the Divine plan of the Creator Himself!

This Gratitude has filled the whole Being of this physical body; the Gratitude has imbued every breath, every look and every step, every motion, and every thought on the Way to the Inner Self.

All these unique events and occasions have become possible after the Meeting with the Creator, the Avatar of our century – Sri Sathya Sai Baba.

In one moment, this Meeting has overturned and crossed out everything that had bound before. In one moment, this Meeting has changed completely the whole understanding of Being. This meeting has become the Foundation Stone of the Amazing Journey in Service of Love of the Universe to the whole Creation. During one of such meetings, I had expressed one wish that I could be sent anywhere, I could be entrusted with any task, and I would be able to accomplish it. Moreover, everywhere I would only glorify the Name of the Creator.

And such moment had come. Both for the event itself, both for the story of it to be put in writing.

This was the most amazing, the most unique event, which could have ever had happen during my Earthly Being.

There have been many events.

There have been dozens of people and meetings.

The great variety of miracles have entered my life due to the Higher Grace of the Creator.

However, the most remarkable and significant was the event, which was even better to be called "Co-Being", rather than just the event!!!

Background Story

It was the beginning of the year 2015. In the dream and reality, a Monk begun to appear before me. He was wearing a robe and his faced was half-covered by a long hood, which hid his eyes. Speaking mysteriously, he asked me to visit him and help him. There was no explanation on what kind of help he needed.

Prior to seeing him, I had received Swami's instructions on the need to visit Lebanon. And, when the Monk appeared before me one more time (he turned out to be Saint Monk Charbel from Lebanon) I understood the meaning of his visits – I had to go. The journey worked out easily and quickly.

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