Chapter 1

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That day we was telling each other Ghost stories. After you finished telling your ghost story, you turn the flashlight off. Then after everyone had told their story, you count the people in the room and somehow you will have an extra person. Apparently that extra person will be a ghost.

"So then the woman went back to the public restroom with the police Officer, and as he instructed; she went inside and waited to hear the Voice again. After a few moments she heard a scary voice asking her Shall I Put The Red Veil Over Your Face. The woman said yes and suddenly the police officer heard a loud scream! He pushed the door open and rushed in to find the woman lying dead covered with blood as if she were wearing a red veil. There were small holes all over her body as if someone had repeatedly stabbed her with a knitting needle."

"NO!" The others screamed and I let out a small giggle. Mai turned off her light and I layer down on the table. I had told them that I will sat and watch over them but was not taking part of the ghost stories.

"Mai! Talk quieter someone will hear us." One of the girls said and I turn my head looking at the girls then looked up at the ceiling wondering why they wanted me to be here if I didn't want to tell ghost stories. I guess it because I don't have friends here but I prefer to be by myself or with my Cousin but I don't really know about the girls she hangs with.

"Michiru it's your turn." I heard taking me out of my thoughts. I close my eyes to listen to what she was going to say.

"Okay I'll tell the story about the old school building." Michiru said.

"Do you mean that wooden building that's falling apart?" One of the girls said.

"It's not just falling apart. The building was supposed to be have been destroyed but they had to stop the demolition process halfway through because of a curse. A child's dead body was found, A teacher's suicide, a student's death, and frequent fires and accidents. When they tried to demolish the west wall the roof fell through the second floor, and everyone on the first floor was killed. When the new school was built, they tried to completely demolish the old building again forcing them to stop the demolition. last year they tried to restart when the gymnasium was built but they had to stop in the middle because the same kind of accidents started happening again. A driver lost control his truck and it ran over some students that was on the volleyball court. And one evening my senpai was passing the old building and...... I'll turn it off." She finished and I let out a sigh.

"What she said is somewhat true Raven. the workers didn't die there was a few that was injured, but many of the demolition workers became sick or got accidents and even the equipment broke down." I open my eyes and looked at a man floating in the air. "Oh I didn't know about that driver but there have to a reason for him to lose control i'm the only speared here and I'm always with you." I smiled at the man and then looked at the door noticing someone was out there.

"One... Two... Three... Four..." After awhile I notice that the person that was out of the classroom stepped into the room and looked at us.


"Ah! NO! A ghost is here!" All four had screamed and I sat up making the man and the ghost to turn towards me then the man looked back at the four that had screamed. The girls looked at the door when the guy turn on the lights to the classroom. "Ah were you the one that said five?"

"Yes, is something wrong?" He asked.

"You scared us half to death!"

"Sorry 'Bout that. The light wasn't on so I didn't anyone was in here, but I then I heard your Voices so." He trailed off and I got up making him glace torse me then back at them.

"It's okay no worries. Are you a transfer student?"

"Sort of." He said smiling but I saw that his smile was fake.

"What grade was you in."

"I'll be seventeen this year." He said and I thought that it was weird but I didn't question it

"Then your our senpai one year older then us."

"We were telling ghost stories."

"Oh really? Would you mind if I join you?" He asked still smiling but I knew it was fake so I looked at the man that was floating around Making snigh comments about the guy that's talking to the other girls. I let out a soft laugh and looked at the ghost then grabbed my bag getting ready to leave.

"Of course not! By the way what's your name?"

"Shibuya." He said and I looked up at him.

'Hm, he is good looking but I don't like how fake is is being.' I thought and then looked away from them not wanting to watch this dramma happen.

"Oh, Shibuya -senpai do you like ghost stories too?"

"So, so." Shibuya said and I smiled realizing that he is not a big fan of ghost stories.

"Shibuya-san or whatever." Mai said taking me by surprise that she was going to talk to him since she seemed to dislike him.

"Yes?" He said and it seemed to realized that his smile was fake too.

"What are you doing here anyway?" Mai asked causing me to sigh and look over at Mai and then Shibuya knowing that I won't be able to sneak out sense he is blocking the doorway.

"I had some errands to run." He said as he looked at me. I guess he was waiting for me to speek so I walked over to him and huffed.

"Now if you excuse me I have to head home to make dinner. Mai see you when you get home." He moved aside and I left the classroom heading home knowing that mai would want dinner and then we would be heading to school early so we could have the time alone.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2018 ⏰

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