Spoof 6

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Sandstorm: HEY FIRESTAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Firestar: what is it?

Sandstorm: LOOK I HAVE A CUPCAKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *foaming at the mouth*

Firestar: are you feeling mouse-brained? AGAIN?

Sandstorm: WHATS IT TO YOU, CUPCAKE HATER?!?!?!?!?!?!?

Firestar: well last time you were crazy, you kind of, I don't know... DESTROYED HALF THE CAMP!!!

Sandstorm: YOU DON'T LOVE ME!!!! I KNEW IT!!!!!

Firestar: WHAT??? I didn't say that!

Sandstorm: YOU HATE ME!!! You....you... *sings meow mix* meow meow meow meow,

Firestar: O_O ummm Sandstorm?

Sandstorm: YOU INTERUPTED MY SONG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Firestar: okay where is the catmint?

Sandstorm: CATNIP, FLEA BRAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU DON'T KNOW ANYTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Firestar: ........umm bye.

Sandstorm: I'M NOT DONE WITH YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Firestar: get it over with then.

                                                         5 hours later..................

Sandstorm: I WANT A MOUSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.................................... what just happened?


Sandstorm: what's catnip? do you mean catmint? I have some of that.

Warrior cats spoofs! XD -FINALLY DONE-Where stories live. Discover now