the beginning

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The plump marshmallow sat atop all the other marshmallows in the packet, gazing out at the wide world. All of a sudden, a human ripped open the plastic packaging with their teeth and the marshmallow felt a corner of tongue graze it's squishy outside. It licked its lips and soon enough was placed atop the kitchen counter. It watched as thick milk oozed into the pan and as it was heated, the once chilled liquid bubbling and burning in the saucepan.

Finally, it was time. The bubbles reached their climax and threatened to spill over onto the hob. The fire was reduced and the spitting milk lulled. A mug was fetched and drop by drop the milk poured into it. It was a pleasure to see the thick, sugared fluid flow like a waterfall, cascading through the air like an elegant ballerina... it's unadulterated freshness tickling the tastebuds of all who had the privilege of being nearby.

A deep rich chocolate powder was stirred into the milk, tinging the white liquid a sultry shadow. The metal spoon clanged against the mug as the hot chocolate was made, the noise reverberating through the entire house.

A whirring noise later and loose, frothy cream was being piled on top. The rich substance was slippery in nature and wet to the touch. Next thing the marshmallow knew, it was finally his turn. The weak, unknowing hand of the human stretched out and grasped the sweet in between its plump fingers. It was time ...

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