Chapter 7

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Elaine’s POV:

            After I ate the food that Lizzie brought me, we all went downstairs. Although, Jonathan had to help me so I didn’t fall on my face. I still don’t feel good, but I feel better since eating. Every little sound made my head thump. For a long time I thought it was going to explode.

            Once I made it to the bottom safely, Johnny led me to the theater room. He put me in one of the large sofas which I am so grateful for right now.

            “Okay, I’m going to go back into the living room. I put you in here because it’s the only room that the sun won’t come into.” I nodded slowly and even that small movement hurt.

            “Hey, Jonathan?” I whispered.

            “Yeah?” he asked quietly.

            “Could you please get me some water or something?” I asked hoping he would say yes.

            He smiled, “Sure. Be back in a few.” He walked out and somehow made the light in the room go almost completely dark. I sighed, thankful for the darkness. I will never drink anything besides water the entire time I am here, I promised myself.

Jonathan’s POV:

            I still can’t believe she got wasted. I was still smiling as I went into the kitchen. I never thought I would actually see a drunk angel. To be honest, I didn’t even think it was possible. I grabbed a water bottle from the fridge and poured some of the coffee I recently made for her. She might not like it, but it will definitely help with the hangover.

            As I was making my way back to the theater room, I saw Lizzie sleeping on the couch in the living room. I chuckled and shook my head slowly. Angels. What’re you going to do with them? I shook my head again, but stopped when I heard the doorbell ring.

            That’s weird. Who would be out there? I set the two drinks on a table and made my way to the front door. I opened it finding a man standing outside. Hm I don’t recognize him. Maybe he’s selling something? But I don’t see anything with him. I studied him for a moment with my arms crossed.

            “Yes?” I asked, getting impatient with him. I have two angels in the house I need to be with. One of which is hungover and one is sleeping on my couch.

            “Um, hi. My name’s Joshua. Are you Jonathan?” the boy asked me.

            “Yeah,” I said. Huh, Joshua? Where have I heard that name before?

            “Is Elaine here?” Oh. My. God. Is this the dude Laine was talking about?

Elaine’s POV:

            What is taking Johnny so long? He told me he would be back in two minutes, and it has been ten. I stood up and wobbled out of the room and was struck by the light on the other side of the door. It was blinding to me, so I had to squint.

            I made my way down the hall, but stopped in my tracks when I heard him. What is he doing here?

            I walked to the library, where the sound was coming from, with one hand on the wall to steady myself. In front of me sat Jonathan and Joshua. They were on a brown sofa, but their backs were to me so they didn’t know I was standing there.

            “Joshua?” my voice wasn’t steady at all and it cracked at the end of his name. Even though I barely spoke over a whisper, he heard and spun around. “What are you doing here?”

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