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To most people, I was just a normal teen. I considered myself to be pretty average looking, nothing too special. I grew up in a small town, and I only had one sibling, and I went to every single high school football game that was held on a Friday.

I wasn't "model-worthy", and I wasn't some sort of Pable Picasso either... I was just me. The only thing that was considered out of place was the fact that I tended to keep to myself. I didn't gossip with the local girls about who slept with who or the latest break up— I just didn't care. In fact, I was never really close with anyone. They say that in a small town, everybody knows everybody— but not in my case. I'm sure nobody from high school even remembered me either.

So imagine my surprise when I was approached by a man named Jon Lucero claiming that he wanted me to play as a pretend girlfriend for a member of the band Why Don't We. I obviously didn't live under a rock so I immediately recognized the name— but I was still skeptical. Me? Of all people? What a joke.

Any sane person would quickly turn down that sort of offer. I mean, come on. A small town girl that comes out of nowhere and wins the heart of a blue-eyed well sought after boy? Not to mention the backlash from female fans, paparazzi, and being stripped of your privacy. No I didn't want any of that and I would have turned him down... if it wasn't for the fact that he was offering to pay me a big sum of money. I should have turned him down but I had a brother who was battling Lukemia. He wasn't just my brother— he was my twin. My parents were struggling with paying all of the hospital bills and constantly scrambling for ways to come up with money to pay for his treatments. I'd give anything up for my sick brother. My privacy, my life as I knew it— that was a small price to pay if it meant that I could help my family. So I agreed on one condition. I'd date whoever Jon wanted me to as long as my family was kept away from the public eye. I didn't want anyone to know about my brother or his failing health, and I didn't want anyone to know that my parents were struggling financially. When Jon assured me that no one would know— not even the band, then I agreed.

We talked over everything that I'd need to know and he hesitantly brought up the fact that the band member that he had chosen was already informed— and he wasn't happy. I had to sign a contract a legal document stating that I would never reveal the truth about our "relationship." I crossed my t's and dotted my i's and only when I set the pen down did I realize that I had practically signed my life away.

My name is Priscilla Treskott and this is the story about how I ended up with Daniel Seavey.

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