Chapter One

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"Don't think that you're actually going to win this, because guess what? Ha! You're not."

The other team's center man mumbled in a mocking tone, obviously to throw the other off his game. However, the other center kept quiet. The constant chirps had been going on for the whole game. Every shift they were on together, every face off, the other team's center had said something. It was almost as if his coach had told him to do so.

The ref blew his whistle, the rink going silent beside parents cheering in the bleachers. The two center-men placed their sticks down, ready for the puck to drop at any second. When it did, the two players soon leaned into each other as they battled to get control of the puck to draw it back to one of their defensemen. However, in a second or two, the puck was already gone, now in the stick of the left defenseman of the opposing team.

There were a few seconds before the play would disperse, the rude player letting out a chuckle.

"Woah Woods, I thought you were actually supposed to be good..."

"Ugh back off!"

Jeff immediately yelled out, bringing his hockey stick up to crosscheck the other in the chest. The other player immediately stumbled back on his skates, almost losing balance and falling back from the unexpected blow. When he regained his stance, he narrowed his eyes on the other. Almost immediately after he dropped his stick and threw his gloved fists at Woods.

The ref's whistle blew loudly a few times in attempts to break up the play between the two teams players. However, the two kept on going at center ice. Punches, insults, and curses were thrown back and forth until their teammates grabbed their jerseys to pull them off of each other. However, their fighting didn't stop.

Jeff had thrown off his right glove as he felt his teammates grabbing his left arm. Without a second thought, he grabbed the cage mask of the other player's helmet, violently pushing him backward before letting go. The other player fell on the ice almost instantly, but before he got up his teammates held him down.

"Ugh, Woods you son of a bic- UGH! Let go!"

"Boys! That is enough!" One of the refs yelled out as he skated between the swarm, as he kept his arms out beside him. The commotion of the players subsided, the rink going quiet.

"34, you get two minutes in the box and 62, you're out for the next two games."

Jeff's crystal blue eyes widened, now the realization of his actions hit him like a knife to his heart. "B-but ref- sir! He was asking for it! You can't just give him two minutes!"

"Woods, there's no negotiation. It's either that or I'll double your suspension."

Jeff opened his mouth to reply, but instead, shut it when the truth dawned over him. He looked around, the parents, players and even couches along with the players on the bench were all staring right at him. Everyone was silent.

Jeff frowned, before picking up his stick and skated over to the door in the boards. On the way, he peered at his bench as he passed it. All of his teammates and coaching staff were looking at him, most in shock, some disappointed. He sighed before looking forward again, continuing his skate of shame down to the door.

Jeff pulled off his helmet as he stayed seated on the dressing room bench, releasing his long layered dark brown hair. The dressing room was decently new, but the smell of sweat and axe spray lingered around the smaller space. He moved his side swept away from his face to wipe a few beads of sweat from his forehead. He held his helmet by the cage, as he placed it beside him. He frowned, letting out a loud sigh.

"Great job Jeff, you really screwed up this time..." He mumbled to himself.

He couldn't believe himself, he had completely lost it out there

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He couldn't believe himself, he had completely lost it out there. Growing up Jeff had always dealt with anger problems. Before they were quite minor, he'd get mad once in a while but it was nothing too bad. However, a more recent loss of his caused him to snap at the smallest of things.

"Hey, Jeff...are you alright?"

Jeff lifted his head up a little to look at the change room door. His younger brother Liu stood at the doorway in his full hockey gear and stick. He panted a little as if he just got off a shift.

Jeff sighed. "Umm yeah, I guess. Does coach know that you're here? Shouldn't you be on?"

"I just got off, I wanted to check on you quickly."

Jeff nodded, running his hand through his shoulder-length hair before looking back down at his skates. "Is coach mad at me?"

"No, no ones mad at you," Liu explained as he walked over to his older brother, sitting beside him on the change rooms wooden bench. "Everyone's more worried."

The longer haired brother sighed, continuing to stare at the red laces on his skates. Besides his brief sigh, he stayed quiet, not giving a response through words.

Liu caught onto the fact that Jeff wasn't replying, so he decided to continue the conversation, onto a bit more of a lighter note. "Well besides that fight you had a great game, you almost scored a few tim-" Liu was able to say before Jeff interrupted him.

"Liu, you know why I snapped."

Liu's eyes widened a little, him frowning at the reminder why. "Oh, Jeff."

"You know. E-ever since the incident I haven't been the same. I'm admitting it b-because I just can't handle it anymore. You saw me snap out there, that wasn't me."

"I know, and trust me it hurt me too but it's not healthy anymore...I know I sound like mom and dad but you just have to accept that he's gone."

Jeff didn't frown or even blink. He just stared at the ground with a monotone expression, feeling his eyes starting to well up.

Liu frowned, knowing that probably wasn't the best to say. He got up from the bench and headed to the change room door. "I umm, I think I should go back on...I'll ask mom and dad if we can get ice cream after, maybe that'll cheer you up. But yeah, I'll see you after!" The younger brother said as he stepped out, the metal door closing behind him.

Jeff's expressionless face soon changed the moment he looked back up. His mouth curved into a frown as a single tear rolled down his cheek. He sniffled, wiping his eyes with the sleeve of his jersey. He knew ice cream wasn't going to solve what he was going through, the loss of someone he was extremely close to.

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