Through the window

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"Savy! Why do we have to walk all the way out to this house?" "Because, admit it, you know you want confirmation on if it's real or nah. And besides apparently this only happens every four years! We've been waiting for this for a very long time!" The girls were walking up the hill to he Morton house. Kallie sighed, "I guess." Then she smiled mischievously, "Maybe we'll see Sam and Dean." She said wiggling her eyebrows suggestively at Savannah. Savannah winked, " I'd love to get a piece of that Jensen Asskles." A huge metal gate loomed up in front of the girls, it was covered in yellow signs, and was heald closed by a thick chain. It was locked. "Holy shit." Kallie breathed, "It's real!" Savannah smiled admiringly. "So uhm, exactly how are we suppose to get in?" Kallie questioned. "Oh, I don't know Kallie, maybe pick the lock?" Savannah answered sarcastically while pulling a small kit out of her backpack. "Uhm, Savy?" , "Yes Kallie," , "What is that?" Savannah looked at her friend like she was stupid. "Nah dur." She opened the kit to reveal a pair of portable bolt cutters. She smiled, "I always come prepared. Now would you grab me the salt?" Kallie looked bewildered "You your bag?" Savannah looked up from what she was doing. "Uh, yeah. What else would I have in there? A gift basket? Like hey take this basket! Oh! And while you're at it please show us the way to your birthday party down stairs and kill us," She continued cutting. "Your sarcasm is not needed." Kallie grumbled and stalked off to get the salt. "Uhm, Savy?" , "Yes Kallie?" "You have tons of iron, salt bullets, and..... is this ....holy water?" Savannah paused mid-cut and swung her head back to look at Kallie. "Uh. Yeah." There was a clang as the chain finally fell from the gate and Savannah yelled triumphantly, "Were in baby! Grab the crap and let's go." "Grab the crap?!"You grab you own crap Jerk!" Kalie smirked. "Excuse me bitch. You touched it last!" Savannah replied as she walked through the gate.

Kallie and Savannah walked up the steps to the Morton house bickering at each other. "I swear your so single minded Kalle!" "Oh but you love me." , "Please," Savannah huffed "You wish." Kallie smirked, "That's not what you said last night." Savannah winked at Kallie. The girls giggled. "See," Kallie said between laughing fits, "this is why everyone assumes we're a couple!" They laughed again. Savannah put her hand on the door knob of the house and smirked at Kallie. "You ready?" Kallie smiled "As I'll ever be!" Savannah creaked door open slowly. "OOO creepy." She whispered jokingly. They shut the door firmly behind them. Kallie looked around them "Kinda creepy in here huh?" , "Mmmhm." Savannah answered distractedly. Kallie rolled her eyes. Suddenly she whirled around. She swore she heard a light tapping in the walls. "Uhm Savy? Did you hear that?" "Hear what?" Her friend answered distractedly.

Kallie looked around with wide eyes. "I swear I heard something." Savannah didn't budge. "Okay." Kallie whirled around to face Savannah. "Why aren't you more-" She deadpanned. "What are you doing?" Savannah was writing something in red on the window "Its an abandoned house that's supposedly haunted, I'm having a bit of fun." Kallie narrowed her eyes at the brunette , "Is that the back home sigil from season 6 episode 1?" Savannah looked back and smiled mischievously. "Yeah." , "Where did you get the stuff to make that?" Kallie asked "I've got my ways." Savannah winked as she stepped back from the window. There, behold my masterpiece!" Savannah proclaimed proudly. The girls were standing side by side. Savannah smiled proudly and Kallie rolled her eyes in amusement. "So now that you've had your fun can we leave now?" asked Kallie "Why?" Savannah drawled. "You scared?" "A bit." Kallie admitted with a laugh then looked at her phone, "Crap, its midnight." Savannah laughed. "Oh no! We're gonna die!" She mocked "Uh Savannah?" The brunette was still mocking her friend "Yes Kallie." , "I think someone is outside." , "FUCK!" Savannah cried as she turned around to see the sigil on the window glowing. "Kallie that's the sigil!" Kallie shook her head , "No way!" The pair suddenly heard a sound behind them. They froze, "Savannah what was that?" Kallie whispered. 'Probably nothing!" Savannah replied. They both slowly turned around to see the Morton house ghost standing behind them. "Fuck this!" Savannah screamed and grabbed Kallie's hand and hauled ass to the window jumping through shattering the glass in the process.

Kallie's POV:

I grunt loudly as my body slammed against the cold, hard ground. Now I'm literally lying on the cold hard ground (OOHHH). I thought. I hear a loud thud next to me followed by the sounds of rustling and cussing. My eyes opened to see my best friend wrestling with a small bush which I suppose she... landed in...? "KALLIE!!! THE MOTHER FUCKING GHOST GOT ME!! SAVE YOUR FUCKING SELF!! TELL MY MOTHER I LOVE HER!! LET ME GO YOU COCK SUCKING BASTARD!!!" I stared at her as she thrashed around in the bush fighting to release herself from it's branches."Savannah..." "KALLIE SAVE YOURSELF!!!" "Savannah...," I narrowed my eyes at her through the darkness. Savannah continued to thrash around in the bush. "WE HAVE TO RU-" "Shhhh I see lights!" Ignoring what I'd said Savannah still wrestled with the bush next to me. I slapped my hand across he mouth to silence her frantic screaming. "God! Shut up!" I whispered fiercely at her. She finally quieted and we could hear voices nearby, "Stay low. Huddle Formation," Savannah and Iexchanged confused glances. "Who the fuck is stupid enough to come out here?" Questioned Savannah. I narrow my eyes at her once again. "Shh," We continued to listen but we could not quite make out what the strangers were saying. Suddenly they yelled out "CAR! CAR!" and they all darted off into the trees. I squinted my eyes to see better through the darkness, "What the hell are they doing?" I turned to Savannah and tilted my head as we both exchanged confused looks when we hear music faintly in the distance slowly getting closer. I turned my head back to the road trying to see what it was. As I'm searching for the source of the music I hear quiet mumbles coming from the poor tone deaf child I call my friend. I turn my head to face her, she is softly singing along with the music and bobbing her head to the beat. "What are you doing?" I ask in a monotone voice. "It's mah jam!" She exclaimed with a dorky grin. We both freeze as we hear the oddly familiar roar of a car engine as it rolled away. "That's a hot car!" Savannah exclaims. "Uhm Savy you don't even know what it looks like..." I watched her stare longingly into the sky, "I felt the rumble, I just know," She whispered. "Right," I say.

We both turned back to face the road when we heard rustling from the trees. The voices got loud once again as the strangers crawled back out of hiding, "They're not cops, just hicks. Not cops. Go. Go. Go" Suddenly we heard the familiar clank of the chain on the fence falling to the ground. "Uhm didn't I already cut that chain?" Savannah asked. "Thought so..." I replied. Savannah and I pressed against the ground as much as we could as we watched the five strange figures run across the expanse of the yard towards the house. We remained pressed against the ground among the scraggly bushes until we heard the creak of the door closing and all the people had entered the house.

When we finally pushed ourselves up out of the dirt we could hear voices from the inside of the house. I sighed, "Okay Savy watch out for any broken gla....." My voice trailed off when I realized there was no broken glass any where around us. I turned my head back towards the window that we had just jumped through and shattered only to see that it was completely intact. "Savannah look," She spun around to look at the window, "This is fucking weird."

Savannah and I sat there under the window for a moment trying to gather our thoughts when Savannah soon broke the silence. "Dude, we cant let those people stay in there. They'll be hurt or possibly killed," I nod in silent agreement. Savannah and I pulled ourselves up from the ground and darted towards the front door of the Morton house. In the midst of our pursuit we failed to notice the silhouettes headed for the exact same destination. Suddenly we were blinded by a bright light and heard the clicking of guns being cocked. "FREEZE!! POLICE!!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2015 ⏰

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