Chp 2:Part Of The Family

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I was very confused as to why I was picked up by these people and why they didn't kill me like everyone else that's crossed paths with them but I suppose you should never judge a book by its cover

The large man that carried me in had sat me down in a chair in front of the sheriff along with two other people"please don't hurt me I-I..."my pleading was cut off by an older woman with blonde hair "oh~ what an adorable little girl,ya know I've always wanted a daughter^^"the tall man glared at the woman with a grunt"ehehe that doesn't mean I'm not happy to have you Tommy"she smiled sweetly at him,I assumed that this guy is her son which probably means that everyone here is related,"Where'd you get her?^^" she asked as she walked around to the back of the chair playing with my hair "She was walking down the road by herself, says her momma left her there can you believe that?" the blonde woman gasped "What kind of mother does such a thing to such a young child,look at her she probably doesn't even know how to ride a bike!" I looked down and sighed because I actually didn't know how to ride a bike as my mom never cared to teach me "Ya know I never did catch your name sweetheart , mind tellin' us what your'e called?" they all stared at me expectantly "U-uhm {Y/N} {L/N} s-sir" he then kneeled down in front of me "Well forget that last name of yours , you're a Hewitt now" I nodded as there was no point going against it "And its only proper that everyone in your new family introduces themselves" he looked at everyone in the room waiting for someone to start , the blonde woman spoke first " Well I'm Luda Mae but you can just call me Mom^^" I tilted my head back to look up at her " N-nice to meet" I then looked at the older man sitting on the couch beside the chair I was in "I'm Monty and you can call me uncle"I smiled a bit "pleasure to meet you too Uncle Monty" I then turned my head to that large man from earlier and he just stared at me silently "......uh" Luda Mae walked over to him and stroked his hair"Oh this is Thomas he isn't much of a talker you see but I'm sure he'll make a wonderful brother perhaps you can go play dolls with him and get to know each other hm?" I thought to myself ' dolls? what is a grown man doing with dolls?.....well considering what these people are that has to be the most pleasant thing they can suggest for us to do! ' I nodded and stood up" that sounds like fun" she smiled at me pleased that I agreed to play with him" He's a sweet boy really , I'm sure he wouldn't mind sharing a few toys with you , now go show her to your play room Tommy" he looked down at me with a slightly uncomfortable stare but I just believe it was the shadow over his face due to his hair was the cause of the ominous feeling of his stare , he gripped my forearm with his questionably black hands and pulled me towards the back where we soon came to a big metal door that he slid open and lead me down some stairs the smell was very nauseating but  it WAS a basement so I figured I should just deal with it but then I saw where that smell was coming from......


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 17, 2018 ⏰

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