Bears, Oh My!

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Ilma sat contritely on a relatively small boulder at the bottom of a very rocky hill. Bilbo had gone up earlier for a better vantage point, and the Company anxiously awaited his return. She, especially, couldn't wait for him to get back. The hobbit was the only one who didn't treat her as if she was made of glass. Even Fili and Kili were "gentler" with her. She'd expected a change after revealing her true self, but that was ridiculous. If anything, they should be more comfortable knowing she wouldn't snap like a twig. Even Thorin -

Bilbo came running down the rocky track, and the Company leapt to its feet.

"How close is the pack?" Thorin asked, sword drawn.

"Too close. A couple of leagues, no more." Bilbo took a steadying breath that only Ilma seemed to notice. "But that is not the worst of it."

"The wargs picked up our scent," Dwalin said dejectedly, and the sentiment seemed to spread to the other dwarves.

"Not yet," Bilbo corrected, and was interrupted.

"They will, though." Again, disappointment rippled through the Company. It was actually quite amusing.

"We have another problem-."

"They saw you."

Oh, Gandalf, not you, too.

Bilbo shook his head and Ilma could practically feel his exasperation. "No, that's not it!"

Gandalf interrupted him again, nodding and smiling as if nothing was amiss. A scent came on the wind, and Ilma stood slowly, tightening her grip on her makeshift belt where it held her -Thorin's- vest closed.

"Will you just listen?" Bilbo finally shouted. "I am trying to tell you that there is something else out there!"

The dwarves all seemed to shrink with discouragement.

"Which form did it take?" Gandalf asked, and Ilma turned to look sharply at him. "Like a bear?"

"Ye-," Bilbo stopped himself, glancing at Ilma before continuing. "Yes, only bigger. Much bigger."

There was a pregnant pause, heavy with trepidation.

"You knew about the beast?" Bofur asked accusingly, and the old wizard had the grace to look guilty before walking away.

"I say we double back," Bofur continued.

"We'll be overrun by a pack of orcs," Thorin replied, harshly but not unkindly, after which the dwarves fell into aimless chatter. Ilma rolled her eyes and made to say that, if it really was a bear, then she was more than capable of handling negotiations.

"There is a house," Gandalf said suddenly. "Not far from here where we may take refuge."

llma sighed and tried to keep from pouting. It seemed no matter how hard she tried, everyone was intent on ignoring her.

"Whose house?" Thorin asked derisively, and Ilma felt just the tiny bit glad. "Is he friend or foe?"

"Neither," Gandalf replied haughtily. "He will help us, or he will kill us."

Or she could ask the bear politely not to kill them while they were all still bickering.

Thorin's shoulder's drooped ever so slightly as he sighed. "What choice do we have?"

A roar sounded from behind the hill and Gandalf gave a curt "None." before Ilma could even mention her wonderfully perfect plan.


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