Caught in the web

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This part and the upcoming ones are dedicated to all those poor social networking websites where I never joined in spite of many friends sending invites and also to those ones where I joined and never cared to go back... like ibibo, friendster, shtyle, indyarocks (who cares?)....

It is around 16 years since I have first heard about Internet, and 12 years since I am using it... So in this occasion I will just try to recap my tryst with internet...

It all started when I first saw an article in Reader's digest way back in 1994, I was a small kid then, about internet and its scope in revolutionizing the world. I thought "Whoa! What an idea sirjee!". Then I was doing a one month beginner's course in Computers and floppy disks and DOS were the in thing... It was the era of COBOL, BASIC, Fortran... After many years in Higher secondary, we got another class on Windows, a very primitive version, I forgot which, may be Windows 1990 BC...

The very first time I logged on was probably 1998/99, in Dharwad when I, with some friends went to a newly opened internet cafe and opened a Hotmail account. It was an accomplishment.. But I didnt knew what next! I remember one friend who opened his email account and was proudly telling us to note it down. He also gave us his password. He didn't knew it is supposed to be a secret. My friends used to open account in every free email sites, like yahoo, and many more. I stayed loyal with hotmail for another 2 years. Then Rediff became the new rage... It looked cool compared to any other email providers then. I opened an account in rediff that I uses still. Never ever I touched Yahoo or any others that had better options then and I even hated chatting at that time.

I was never a regular internet user then, may be once in two weeks or one month. There were times when I never browsed for 3 months or so. After studies, internet was really a useful thing because, it was comfortable to send resumes, keeping in touch with friends...And the way I used internet was again revolutionized in 2005.

Next part:

Caught in the web: Rise of Social networking

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