Did That Happen?!?

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           Courtney POV
I woke up with a massive hangover. But realizing that half my clothes are on and I was not in my room, I took a moment and the memories of last night came. "I am so screwed."I immediately looked next to me only to see a sleeping boy with green hair in a mohawk. I got up and searched gracefully for my clothes or at least pants. Soon I heard a fateful yawn. He has awaken, and noticed that I was on the floor scrambling for pants.

     Duncan POV
I wake up to Courtney on my floor looking through my stuff for pants, or her pants at least. Little did she know her pants were right next to my shirt on the floor nearly under my bed. Her face flushed with redness. I looked at her and smirked. "What are you smirking at Duncan. I swear if you have my pants I'll-,"
I cut her off saying "Oh be quiet, your pants are over here under the bed." I say half laughing. She got up and looked under the bed where Duncan purposely put deeper under. Duncan being himself obviously took advantage and got a good look at her ass.

Third person POV
Courtney ,obviously, was embarrassed. She honestly forgot how she even got here. She glared at Duncan who finally got up and walked to the kitchen in his huge six room house, and where she woke was on the bottom floor. Duncan made breakfast leaving and ignoring Courtney complain that her head hurt. And finally brung her breakfast, simply eggs, bacon ,and a banger pancake. She ate in Duncan's room on his bed, while Duncan ate ok the floor. " So.... Courtney how is your head." Duncan said very awkward like. "What happened last night, and how did I get here?" Courtney said very impatient. "Well, you better be lucky I found you in the bathtub at Geoff's house ,or you would of been stuck there, because it rained hard last night. And Geoff left to go to Bridgette's house, so before I left I used the bathroom but instead saved you from a major back cramp and you were still drunk. So I drove home half drunk and you were pretty worked up so when I tried to put you in a bed you...... uh and I uh...... yeah then this came to now." He said out of breath.

Courtney's POV
I can't believe I did that but the question is did that actually happen, or is this a dream? I had no idea where to go to get home because I didn't have a car. Duncan also doesn't know how to stop smirking I thought. And you can't lie he looks cute. "Hey Duncan uh can you drive me home later on?"

Duncan's POV
Did she just say later on? She already got me falling for those beautiful eyes, and smooth skin and..... no stop back to topic. "Uh sure later is good. If you want to go home?" She smiled, but left to 'use the bathroom' she said , but then turned the wrong way. I was curious so I followed her. Not creepy cause it's my house, right? But then I saw something never seen by anyone at school. "Courtney?"

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