Stand Up by 1persephone [REVIEW]

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Summary: Amanda is just your average, sarcastic girl, who'd rather go to a concert than stand in a crowd just to glimpse One Direction. She loves the band, but if they aren't singing, talking to you, or being funny, there was no reason to get crushed...But here she is, waiting to ask Niall Horan a question, when he decides she' the one! Harry saw her first, but didn't say anything...until he saw Niall with her. She was supposed to be his! They've got to come to a decision so as not to upset their fellow band members, but they aren't really sure about what they've come up with: share her.

How will this triangle manage...?

My review: This is a really great story! I love the fact that it isn't boring but at the same time there's not TOO MUCH drama. Because, admit it, if there is too much drama in a story, you don't want to read it. You're sitting there like "Are you serious? He's in love with her TOO? Is anyone NOT in love with the girl?!" - NOT in a good way. More like in a so-dramatic-it's-boring kinda way. But this story isn't like that at all! It's got drama in just the right places and some time to settle down before the next bit of drama starts - therefore it's no too dramatic. Just dramatic enough to keep you wanting more (: Though, sometimes the writing seems rushed, it's really well done and enjoyable to read. I enjoyed reading this a lot xD

Rating: ★★★★☆ 4/5 stars. A great read!

Read or don't read?: Read! It's really enjoyable and well-written.

'Til next time cupcakes ♥

~ Jaydeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ={]

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 18, 2012 ⏰

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Stand Up by 1persephone [REVIEW]Where stories live. Discover now