Chapter One

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This is my first time putting something on Wattpad. Thanks so much for taking the time to read! Please let me know what you think in the comments. It is going to take some time before it is completed, just a heads up.


I was in my house. There was blood, everywhere. On my hands, on the floor, the walls were broken, destroyed. My mother laying in the floor in front of me. A puddle of blood coming from her stomach. Several wounds on her, including several in her stomach. I checked her pulse. She was dead.

"Fuck," I whispered. At the time, I didn't notice the tall, dark figure creeping behind me. I didn't notice until it was too late.


I am standing outside my house. I had received a phone call earlier that said my mother was dead. The cops couldn't find her murderer. I broke the caution tape and went inside, and I saw that there was blood everywhere. I saw my mom's body and I kneeled beside her. I rolled her over and my hands were covered in blood, more than they already were. I checked her pulse, but she was dead. No one knows what happened that day except for me, and I didn't plan to tell anyone anytime soon. "It was a mistake," they said, "No one could have seen this coming," they said. I didn't care about anything they said, for I knew what happened to my mother. They didn't understand a damn thing that happened.


The man in the dark cloak picked me up. I had a knot on my head that hurt like hell. I could feel myself drifting off into deep sleep, and soon I couldn't see anything except for black.

I woke up in a van, tied up with a gag around my mouth. There was a man, the dark figure, who had an AK-47 in his hands. The gun was aimed at me.

"Make any sudden moves and I will fucking end you. Do you understand?"

I nodded my head because it was all I could do. I waited for the drive that seemed to take centuries to end. When we finally stopped and the dark man pulled me out, I noticed that, wherever we were, it was very dark. It seemed like no sunlight ever shined there. There were trees, but they weren't alive. The only animals I saw were all either their rotting corpses or skeletons. I think I recognized the shape of a dog, and bile rose in the back of my throat. The only sign of life there was the giant building in front of me. It seemed to leak darkness, and I wanted to get away, but I didn't want a bullet in the back of my head.

As we walked inside, the first thing I noticed was how it reeked of death; almost immediately after that I noticed how cold it was. I was shivering as soon as I stepped through the front doors. The dark figure led me through more of the place, and I saw that there were doors lining the halls. Each door were made out of iron and had thick steel bars, like the ones you would see on prison cells.

After walking for a while, we finally stopped in front of a door and the dark figure unlocked it. I looked in and I saw a small girl in the corner with her back to me. She had long, dark hair and every horror movie instinct I had told me to run. Before I got the chance, the dark figure shoved me inside. I fell face first because I still didn't have my arms free, for they were still chained. I got up using my legs and I tried to stay as far away from the girl as I could. I turned my head to look out of the window to try and ask if there was somebody who could get my chains off of me, but I remembered that I was still gagged. I turned my head back around. The girl was standing up with her hair dangling in her face, looking at me

She moved her hair out of her face and I could see that she was very pretty, but she had been badly burned. Her face was covered in scars and her eyes were so dark, darker than the twilight of night. Looking at her sent a wave of emotions over me, and I couldn't understand why. She moved closer to me and I saw that her eyes were actually a really dark green. Finally, the girl spoke.

"Hello. Would you like to play? Me and my dollies have been waiting for you," she had a soft voice with a menacing tone. I couldn't help but be afraid when she looked at me with her kind, but vicious eyes. I tried to talk, but it only came out in a bunch of mumbles because the gag was still over my mouth.

She started to laugh manically, and she reached her arm back over her head, and her nails turned into razor sharp claws. I screamed, but I knew no one was going to help me. She swept her arm down and...

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 10, 2018 ⏰

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