Chapter 1

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"Katharine, just do it." My friends chant at me.
Do what exactly? Well to catch you up on things, I have been talking to this boy. Isn't that where all interesting stories begin? I met him online, and we clicked right away. It was strange for me to talk to a boy, ever since I was younger I wasn't really fond of men. Maybe it was because my dad left me at such a young age, but it definitely wasn't from any traumatic experience that I recall. In fact I had a pretty good life, it just so happened that no men weren't very involved. I guess I just felt more comfortable and secure around women.

Anyways, I've been talking to this boy. And I don't even know how I can explain how I feel about him. Whenever he calls, or messages me I get these crazy butterflies. When we talk on the phone the world seems so timeless. But my problem is that I can't keep him out of my head, and it's kind of triggering to me. I did so good, up until my senior year and I've left all the boy drama alone. I didn't even have any male friends.

Now exactly what were my friends telling me to do? Well right now it's 1 in the fucking morning and we've all been hanging out in my friend, Ashley's car being bored out of our minds. I'm, obviously doing my usual and talking to this dumb boy. My one friend Baylee has the aux cord and she's playing some interesting music. Ashley and Clair are trying to figure out something to do. Whether it's a party, or just a meet up. We're bored.

"Katharine, just tell him your on your way."
"Ashley, I've never even met the kid." I sigh. She knows I want to, but clearly I'm terrified. He could murder me? Right?

"Cmon, you two have been lovebirds since the day you started chatting," Clair knows how to sell me on this kind of shit.

"Okay, I guess I can ask him if he would be down if we drove to his house," I give in and message him, asking if he was wanting to meet.

Being the impatient person that I am I decided that hanging my phone to Ashley, who is sitting beside me in the drivers seat, is best to keep me sane.

"Tell me what he says," Outside of my mind I'm calm, almost like I don't give a fuck. But inside I'm going absolutely crazy. Thinking about all the billion of answers I could get.

About ten minutes later Ashley screams in excitement, "guess we're going to meet the love of your life." Pure excitement showed on my face, and honestly I wasn't even scared to show my feelings this time.

I hope you REALLY enjoyed the little cliff hanged I left you with. Let me know in the comments what you think mystery boy looks like, or if  Katharine is even going to make it to him. Also give me criticism, I love it. I'll take it and make it into a lesson learned.

Thanks for reading :)

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 23, 2018 ⏰

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