Longing For You

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"Loving someone who doesn't love you back is like hugging a cactus. The tighter you hold on, the more it hurts." -Anonymous

A short story entry for a contest by xXsilentloverxX. Song: Definitely Maybe by FM Static

Longing for You

Long blonde hair whipped around her face as wind blew through the hall. Giggling, she tucked it behind her ear. Bright blue eyes sparkling, as she animatedly talked to her best friend, Sarah Coski.

I stood there, against the lockers with my hands in my pockets, gazing at her. She was beautiful. She was...amazing.

I could only dream of being with her. She was the closest thing to perfection. I had been in the same Grade as her since Kindergarten and yet, she never noticed me but I don't blame her. Someone like her was too great, for a person like me. Sighing, I watched her laugh, a perfect smile on her face.

Ainsley Summers.

A hard shove brought me out of my thoughts and sprawling forward, my work falling out of my hands and spilling onto the floor as I came into contact with the hard concrete. My short blonde hair falling into my eyes.

Groaning, I sat up and reached for my papers when another hand grabbed it before I could.

Looking up, I found myself staring into Sarah's brown eyes that were wide with concern. "Are you okay?" She asked softly, giving me my papers back.

I tried to smile but it came out more as a grimace, realizing the fact that Ainsley had just seen me embarrassingly fall on my face.

"Thanks," I muttered, a faint blush coloring my cheeks.

She seemed to just stare at me, before shaking her head, giving me an uncertain smile. Risking a glance, I looked at Ainsley from the corner of my eyes to find out that she wasn't even looking at me.

Disappointment struck me as I found myself looking at her smiling face. But no, it wasn't directed at me but instead at her boyfriend, Shane Wilson.

Standing up, I turned away, not wanting to see the scene, disgust welling up in me. He didn't deserve her! He didn't realize just how precious she was. He didn't treat her the way she should be! Shane took her for granted.

Even though I didn't want to look, I couldn't help the urge to want to peek. Even if I knew it would just hurt me, I did so anyway.

Raising my head slightly, as to not make it obvious, I gritted my teeth as I watched her kiss him.

Her smiling, oblivious face. He whispered something in her ear that caused her to blush before lightly scolding him.

My hands curled into fist, a scowl on my face, it was obvious what he had said. Hatred burned in me, but not just for him. But myself too. Why couldn't I be the one she wanted? Shane swung an arm around her shoulder, playing with her hair. "So where are we going for our date tomorrow?" She asked, causing pain in my chest.

Ainsley looked so...happy. "It's a surprise." He replied, winking.

She laughed, eyes bright, a huge smile on her face as she snuggled closer to him. Why was it even when she was so close, she seemed so far away?

Just as I willed myself to look away, Mikayla walked past, her short skirt swishing as she strode past us. Snapping my gaze to Shane's face, I noticed his eyes taking in her breasts--which was only covered by a short top--before looking down towards her butt, a smirk showing on his face.

"Shane?" Ainsley murmured, her smile faltering as she noticed where his attention was at. He appeared to not have heard her. I wanted to punch him, he had Ainsley! What more could he want?

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