Red Shower Curtain

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Red is a powerful color and very popular in home decorating trends today. The bathroom is included in this red trend. A red shower curtain can be an excellent way to spice up a boring and dull bathroom.

There are so many options when it comes to decorating bathrooms and it can be expensive. But a shower curtain can be a very inexpensive way to provide a powerful punch. It can make your entire bathroom look completely different and often costs under $20!

Don’t assume you have to have a plain red shower curtain to make a statement. Try stripes, with red being one of the main colors, or polka dots, or plaid, or paisley. There are many patterns out there with red as the dominant color that are bold and beautiful without being overpowering. Fire engine red is not your only choice either. You could go with a darker ruby red or even a burgundy and accomplish the same thing.

And don’t stop with just the shower curtain. There are plenty of bathroom accessories that you can get to match or complement your red shower curtain such as throw rugs, wall hangings, tissues boxes, toothbrush holders, trash cans, and more. And all of these options are available in most budget ranges. With a few chosen accessories, you can totally transform a boring bathroom and you can do it for less than $50 if you shop carefully.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14, 2014 ⏰

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