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Marinette sighed for the umpteenth time that day. She was finished.

Finished with it all.

Adrien had...well, he had asked her for more romance advice. And she had given it to him.


She had helped her crush woo another girl. Every inch of her heart ached with a sort of agony that only a heartbreak could bring. She just felt so...Alone. Unloved. She knew that somewhere out there, there was Kagami, (Or, as Marinette had come to call her privately, after the incident at the skating rink, the rich-and-entitled-to-everything-princess) who was currently with the most amazing human on earth, being shown love and living the dream with Adrien.

But the real problem was that it was not just Kagami's dream.

It was Marinette's. Except that Marinette would never get that dream, because she had given it up for Adrien.

How did she deal with this?

Well, being a responsible and mature teenager, she locked herself in her bedroom with all the cookies she could find, as well as a gallon of chocolate ice cream, and ten sappy romantic movies. She figured it should last her at least a day, and if she still hurt after that, she could always sneak downstairs and grab more cookies.

She had all the necessary living requirements for a mopey teenage girl, and she intended to stay in her room for as long as she could, not answering the door or her phone for at least twenty-four hours. She knew her friends would attempt to persuade her not to give up on Adrien, but for once in her life she hurt too much to care. So, she'd just ignore them till they stopped trying.

A wise tactic that always worked.

Or so she thought.

Alya had called her at least thirty times, but she had ignored her consistently buzzing phone until it had gradually stopped.

Marinette laid her head on the fluffy cat pillow resting on her bed, and sighed again. What she would give to be loved at this moment. To feel what it was like to be put first.

Suddenly, she heard a guitar.

She knew that guitar.

It was Luka's guitar.

It started playing a familiar rhythm that he had played before for her. Except that the last time he had played it for her there had been no lyrics attached to the song.

The first time she had heard it he was gently strumming his guitar as they talked about...well, everything and nothing. She had been at Juleka's house for a project but they had finished early, and Luka had invited her to stay for a little while and have dinner with them. Then, after, he had grabbed his guitar and started to play silly things that made Marinette laugh.

Then, he had started playing the song.

It had a unique sound, and it reminded Marinette a little bit of the butterflies that she got in her stomach when Luka would look at her with his deep blue eyes swimming with a smile that was on his face.

She had asked if it had words, and he just shook his head with a small smile.

"Not yet, Marinette. I haven't quite found a way to fit words into this song. I can't just add random words to this. No, this song is for a special someone, a way to tell her how I feel, and I...I don't know how to say it yet. It needs to be perfect. Maybe someday I'll play it for you," He said, and winked, somehow causing her heart to do a backflip.

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