I'm Coming Home // n.horan oneshot

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Hi there! Niall au oneshot time!!!! This is pretty much about him coming back from Rwanda after the Rwandan genocide. I chose this civil war because it was part of my Social Studies 11 class last year and I learned a lot and did very well on the test so yeah. Um yeah, it'll be in the POV of his wife, Jasmine (lol my name) dedication goes to my best friend @R_Irena for making my trailer and also special thanks to @vortexe for making my cover! enjoy and desperately ask for your votes and feed back!

Thank you,



23rd of July, 1994. The night I got the call I've desperately been waiting 11 months for. I heard the voice I've been dying to hear from for 11 months.

"Hello?" I whispered, tearing up as I greeted whoever was on the other end for the sixth time. "Please. If this is someone from the base my husband's staying, please say something."

It remained quiet for a few minutes but I did not dare hang up because of the breathing coming through. If it was a fellow soldier, then he or she had to tell me the bad news I didn't want to hear.

Maybe they were searching for the right words.

"Please. If he's gone, just tell me. I need to know."

"I'm coming home. For good." He said, apathetically.

The voice of my husband of four years rang through the receiver. No hello. Nothing. He sounded emotionless. Not the same Captain Niall James Horan I had bid off less than a year ago. But it was understandable. No one can ever be the same after what they've seen on the battle field.

"Niall," I breathed out, letting more tears fall out knowing that he was alive, "when, darling?"

"Be there on the 26th. Six in the evening. I'm coming straight home. Don't come to the airport."

"I'm so glad to hear from you after so long. I love you so much. I'll have all your favourite foods prepared. I can't wait to see you again, love. I've missed you." I whispered.

He hummed before hanging up. I knew he was shaken up by what he might have saw. Even I was shaken up by what I saw on the television.

The day of my husband's arrival came up agonizingly slow but here I stood on the front porch with his favourite dress snug against my body. I hope I looked okay for him.

I saw a black car turn onto our street in Mullingar. It slowly made its way towards our home before stopping at the end of our driveway. I could feel my heart thumping in my eardrums. As I walked down the driveway, my vision began to blur. My husband was finally home.

The driver of the vehicle stepped out and took out Niall's bag and set it on the pavement of the driveway. He gave me a polite nod before getting back into the car. I heard the door open and pulled at my fingers as I saw him step out.

I'm Coming Home // n.horan oneshot *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now