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I walk outside where our daughters are playing. One, with long blonde hair and blue eyes was running through the vast field of sunflowers. I was proud of her. She is so carefree and happy. We named her Callie after her sunshiny hair. Our other daughter, with short brown hair and green eyes, was sitting by the river and drawing with a stick in the mud. We named her Rai. I was worried about her. She never played with the other children in the pack, she never spoke to anyone...

What is wrong with her? 

Nothing is wrong with our daughter. I scolded my wolf, Grandine She's just...different that's all.

I was picking grain for a large pack dinner being held tonight when a sharp, tangy smell hit my nose. I instantly shifted and whirled around, growling. But when I followed the led to Rai. I knew then that her life would not be as predictable as the others...I shifted back before Rai noticed and continued to pick the grain. When I finished I went inside, dreading the day Rai turned 16...

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