My life didn't treat me well

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This was a terrible time the family wasn't doing well, my parents didn't have nearly enough money to support me and my brother Michael. So my dad made a life changing decision and told someone he couldn't take care of us. I was sent to a foster home away from my mom and my dad, even my brother. I felt so alone i was in a house with a mean lady she had a brown afro and she was tall and thin. She would feed me this brown soup that was just thick broth and it tasted terrible! She made me sleep on the couch for some reason even tho their was a room with empty bunk beds up stairs . I think she had something against me because when these two kids brother and sister moved in they got the beds and she acted sweeter towards them like a real mom. Mikey loved his foster home their were kids his age and they were all friends , his foster mom was this fat pretty lady who was super nice, she reminded me of Mrs.Clause . Occasionally this woman named Sierra (our driver) would pick me and my brother up from our foster homes and would drive us to a park where we would visit our parents. I would dread the ride back to my foster home i would always hope shed drop my brother off first and i would be crying the whole drive because i would already be missing all of them. All i know is that i ended up living with my auntie Lisa because she was foster parent and she wanted to be mine. I don't recall my brother being there with me but he might have. I used to always get in fights with my cousins (her daughters) but overall it was so much better , it felt more like home.

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