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Both of them tried not to think about the rapidly approaching end of the school year, but the next five months were marked by a series of milestones bringing them closer to Joey's graduation. It was more difficult now that they'd had a taste of what it was like to be apart. Joey could no longer deny the fact that he couldn't live without Lauren. They may only have been together for just over a month, but he had fallen hard for her. He couldn't even begin to imagine what he was going to do without her once he went home to California.

February 14th was their first Valentine's Day as a couple. Lauren took them back to the same restaurant they went to on their first 'date', and he admitted that he already knew he was in love with her back then.

March 8th was her birthday. Joey took her on a ten hour road trip to New York to see a show she'd been talking about for weeks, and Lauren told him about her time living there - and how grateful she was that she moved back to Ann Arbor, her eyes shining as she looked at him.

May 10th was Joey's first final. Lauren cooked him breakfast before he left, and kissed him on the cheek on his way out the door. When he came home telling her how positive he felt about it, he insisted that that kiss had been a good luck charm. Lauren made sure to kiss him before every final after that.

June 11th was his graduation. He spotted her as he walked across the stage, seeing her fighting back tears of pride. She came running up to him afterwards with flowers, the same kind he'd bought her when he first took her out for dinner.

June 14th was the day he flew back to California. He'd packed up his apartment the day before, sending the boxes off to be shipped home. His carry on was in her car ready for her to drive him to the airport in the morning. He spent the night in her bed, the two of them entwined more closely than ever, pressed up against each other so that they could feel each other's heartbeats. Neither of them wanted to get up in the morning, and Joey almost could have tricked himself into believing he never had to leave, but then his parents phoned to confirm his flight time and the reality was like a slap in the face.

Lauren was eerily quiet as they got ready, and the worst part was that Joey had no words of comfort to offer her. They were silent in the car ride, and Joey felt his heart breaking more with each passing minute.

When they pulled up she immediately got out of the car, leaving Joey fumbling with his seatbelt. He could already feel himself getting choked up when he stepped out of the car to see her standing there forlornly holding his suitcase.

He took it from her, slipping his hand into hers as they walked into the terminal together. As agonising as it was going to be having her walk him in, there was no way Joey could have brought himself to say his goodbyes in the car. He knew Lauren wouldn't let him stop her coming in anyway.

They paused at security, both staring straight ahead until Joey tugged at Lauren's hand, bringing her into his chest. He felt her shaking against him and murmured into her hair, the words meaningless.

He held her back by her shoulders to look at her and she removed her arms from around his waist to swiftly wipe her eyes.

"I know we can make long distance work," he told her, and she nodded, but refused to meet his eyes, and he could tell she didn't believe him.

"I'm going to miss you," she choked out, finally looking up at him.

The tears he'd been holding back all morning finally started to spill over. Lauren reached up to wipe his eyes, and he turned his head and pressed a kiss to her palm. He wanted to stand there holding her forever, but then an announcement for his flight came over the loudspeaker. Lauren flinched, and Joey closed his eyes for a moment, unable to bear the pain on her face.

His heart felt like it was being crushed as he reached into his back pocket, taking out the key to her apartment. She looked at him in confusion as he took hold of her hand. He placed the key in the centre of her palm, gently curling her fingers around it.

She started to sob, shaking her head desperately. He held her face in his hands, his thumbs swiping instinctively at the tears, but more swiftly replaced them. He closed his eyes as he leaned in to kiss her, slowly and sweetly, tasting salt on his lips. He didn't know if they were from Lauren's tears or his own.

"I'll always love you. Please don't forget," he managed, his voice breaking.

Then he picked up his suitcase, and turned his back on the love of his life.

Joey sat numbly on the plane taking him 2000 miles away from the place that had been his home for the last few years, and particularly for the last few months. As they ascended, and all he could see was blue sky, he couldn't quite believe he was leaving Michigan behind him. Couldn't believe he was leaving Lauren behind him. He didn't know how he was going to survive without her constant presence. But he did know one thing. Every single second with her had been worth it.

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