I may be young, but my opinion counts too.

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When we hear certain words or phrases, we automatically start forming opinions. Abortion, gay rights, animal testing, social media, corporal punishment, illegal immigrants, drug abuse, legalizing marijuana, Obamacare, police brutality, vaccines, the Bible, religion, racial prejudice, sexual harassment, And I know there's so many more topics. Many people feel that you have to be completely totally politically correct when discussing these topics. I disagree I think there are right and wrong views of all of these topics. I'm going to discuss these and other topics that I feel are relevant today. I'm going to show my viewpoint and why I feel that way.

I think as a society we have lost touch with reality. We are taught that everyone has a valid viewpoint and that it is correct. I disagree because if there is no wrong answer to these questions, How long would it be till people start thinking murder well that's OK or child abuse that's OK, because if we don't stand strong in our opinions of what's right and wrong then we start to lose our conscience as a society and as individuals.We all see it happening. Ask a high school student or a college student what's right and what's wrong so many can't answer that because society has let them down. We have let our young people down in a big way. We let them down because we stopped paying attention to the real issues. We stopped focusing on family and we focused on ourselves, our jobs, our life. We forgot that actions have consequences and they affect others. If we want to be proud of our children, we have to teach them, we have to show them by example, that we believe in right and wrong, good and bad. If we don't fight for our children, nobody else will.

When you are a parent, a teacher, a role model, a leader, an older sibling, or in any other way are affecting the lives and values of young people then you have to take responsibility for your actions and how they affect them. If you don't, you are part of the problem. We see it every day kids making decisions they're not ready to make. Decisions that are wrong. Every day we hear more and more reports of teen suicide, teen pregnancies, school shootings, hazings and so many other things that can't be taken back. We can't undo these situations. There's no rewind button to press. There's no sweeping these things under the rug. We as a society have to take responsibility for how we let down these young innocent individuals and threw them to the wolves.

I'm 21 and I was blessed to have parents that taught me right and wrong. They protected me from dangerous situations and people. I was blessed to have others in my life who also helped me to learn to see how actions have consequences and I want to share my opinion on these subjects  because I hope it will help to change someone's life.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 23, 2018 ⏰

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