Chapter 1- strange occurrences

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The nation were soon to know about the concealed truth. The ongoing deception of false hope and delusions would come to an end. A five hundred year secret would be revealed with it would be an outbreak of fear and consternation. The man who embraced the secret was not wealthy or well known, the secret lived as he did.

Amanda gently pulled back the satin curtains, allowing the fulgent gleam of the sun fill the master bedroom, it was unusual for the weather to be so admirable especially in the month of September, but nobody complained as the residents of the village were somewhat superstitious and they did not want to jinx the beauty of nature.
"Wake up sleepy head," Amanda sang to her husband who did not respond and remained to appear dormant. Damien was not sleeping, nor was he snoozing, beneath the shutters of his eyelids he was wide awake, yet he tried to convince his wife that he was so deep in the land of dreams that she would not bother him any longer. Amanda knew Damien was conscious, she had been through the same routine many a time, she was also aware that the only reason the two were going through the routine this particular Monday morning was because Damien had a meeting with Mr Bark at twelve. For some reason unknown even to herself she played along with Damien and began to mumble under her breath as she grabbed her dressing gown and put it on over her pyjamas, it seemed to float behind her, somewhat, like a ghost. She was done playing now though, and Damien had to get up, "Damien, we have to make the house presentable before Mr Bark arrives and I shan't be cleaning it all myself." Damien groaned. She was right. Why should she clean when she was not even part of the business meeting? He opened one eye and saw his wife standing in the doorway, her delicate blond hair was in knots and unbrushed gently resting on her shoulders, but she had a strange glisten in her emerald eyes that morning and he had to force a grin towards the woman he adored.

Damien took his time carefully, taking each step at a time, once he reached the bottom of the staircase he was instantly greeted by Scarlet, who panted and wagged her tail vigorously as she met her favourite member of the household. Damien waited in the hallway for a while, petting Scarlet, it seemed to put his mind off the dark imaginings he had been receiving. He got them often but kept them to himself, with no doubt that if he did tell a soul he'd be ridiculed by the whole village, and he preferred to keep his high status at an acceptable level, besides he figured it was probably stress from the recent pressure of his work, or more likely his imagination. So he continued stroking Scarlet who simply appreciated the attention. 
Take a look at this Damien his mind whispered to him, You're hanging out with your only friend... your only friend is a dog. 
That's not true!
He argued with himself, I have lots of friends.
Don't be a fool I’m talking about true friends, but then again I’m sure your dog wouldn't hesitate to betray you.
"I'm going insane," Damien said aloud as he stood up and began to make his way to the kitchen. Scarlet followed him like a shadow, it was unusual, she normally didn't follow him as much as she did that morning... perhaps she too sensed the danger.

"Yes please sweetheart," Damien beamed from behind his newspaper, "I prefer it when its-"
"Darling please," Amanda Interrupted instantly, she had just set the pan on the cooker and the bacon began to make a sizzling noise, so she was able to look Damien in the eye whilst it cooked behind her. "I may be the sort of person who get's the fridge and the freezer mixed up, but i know how you like your bacon cooked."
"Don't be offended. We've known each other for three years but we've only been married three weeks, i wouldn't expect you to remember every singular detail about me."
"I have a good memory though, so perhaps you should take it upon yourself to remember that." She turned back round to check on the bacon but didn't bother turning back to speak a second time. Her words were slightly harsh, but he wasn't offended nor did he take notice, he didn't seem to take his eyes from the newspaper he held, even though he wasn't taking any information in. 
“Why isn’t Robinson here?” He asked simply noticing the silence, there was usually a humming sound or banging from the garden, but today there was silence, so Damien simply assumed Robinson wasn’t around.
“I don’t know,” Amanda replied, placing the bacon sandwich on the table, which Damien himself couldn’t wait to devour. If he stood in the parlour he'd still be able to catch the scent of his favourite breakfast. “Ever since the weather has been unusual he’s stopped working as much, but who can blame him? Nobody likes working in the hot weather.”
"Or perhaps it's something else," Damien hadn't realise he had spoken, nor had he the time to even register what he had drained from his delicate thoughts, Amanda replied almost instantly, like she was rehearsing for a performance for which she knew every line.
"What are you suggesting in particular?" She seemed calm, but somewhat concerned.
Damien stayed silent for a moment, considering a response that would lead to less questions and a little less discourse.
"Maybe he's just being lazy." Of course that wasn't what he was suggesting really, Robinson was not a lazy character, in fact if he wasn't doing something he was overly agitated, maybe he feared that somebody somewhere... somehow would figure out what he was.
His wife didn't seem to find any fault for his reply, but his eyes notified her of the fiction, they held a different gleam to them, it was difficult for her to understand how, but she knew something was haunting his thoughts. He himself had assumed that his story was credible, even with his wife's hot stare pulsing through him, she hovered over him like a cloud, ready to burst, the downpour was unavoidable. Presuming his story was believable he continued, "anyway, if he doesn't get into any form of contact with us, i imagine we will deduct  some pay, or perhaps go so far as to find somebody else."
"I'm not sure," Amanda kept her fixed stare. Her tone was soft, even though that wasn't the way she had intended it to be. "He always does this when it's warm, i don't see why we should act upon it today."
"Once too many." They both glanced out of the window at the nothingness. None of them spoke for a moment, neither of them knew what to say.
It was Amanda who broke the silence, she knew it would have to be her, silence made her feel uneasy, she fell asleep to music and wouldn't proceed to do much unless there was some sort of noise. At first it was only when nobody was around, but now she had gotten into the habit of needing noise even when someone was in the room with her. But the reason she had broken the silence was for a very good cause indeed. Damien had received a letter that morning. She had placed it on the  table before he'd even entered the room but he hadn't seemed to notice.
"It had almost slipped my mind." Damien followed her stare to the brown envelope that to him had just appeared upon the table. "This letter came for you this morning."
Damien laughed synthetically, pulling the envelope towards him, "hey! Where did this come from?"
"I was so caught up with Robinson i forgot to tell you about it, dear me my mind is elsewhere today."
Damien's name read in large handwritten letters across the top of the envelope, the address seemed to be scrawled down as if it were somewhat less important, he knew who it was from... it was intended for him, only him and he would open it later, when he would be alone. He glanced back out of the window, that looked like a completely different world to him, grass so green, flowers danced in the morning breeze, and the sun was like an aurora of hope... for some.
"Are you not going to open it?" Amanda asked, interupting Damien's trance from another world.
"I'm going to presume for the moment it's not important."

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