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I was twelve years old when it all started. 

I was sleeping in my room with my brother Jake. I first smelled the smoke at five o'clock. I woke up and ran to the bathroom grabbing my phone on the way. I thought the bathroom would be the safest place because of all of the water. I called 911 and got someone named Jack I told him my house was on fire and where I lived. The second I got off the phone the fire started seeping into the bathroom. My arms felt like the skin was being ripped off of them but I knew enough to know it was the fire burning my skin. In a panic I jumped into the bathtub and turned on the cold water. Within a few minutes I heard the fire truck after five minutes of searching the house they found me and took me outside to be examined. They put a cream on my burns (which stung a little) and they gave me a tube to breath through because of all of the smoke I had in hailed. Then I blacked out.  

When I woke up I was in the hospital because it turned out I had a few small third degree burns which hurt like hell. I looked around to see where the rest of my family was. I did not see them any where. I asked the nurse if she knew where they were and she said I should ask jack. So she called him in and he told me the second part of my living nightmare. He said it in these exact words: "Sorry sweetly but it appears we did not get there in time... You are the only living member of your family to get out of that house." Then he went on talking about how he was going to call my aunt to see if she could take me until they could find me a permanent home but I was not listening. I was in one of those times where you can only think about one thing and that one thing consumes you until you can't stand thinking about it for one more minute. 

This can't be happening! I never got to say good bye or give them one last hug. This can't be happening! Would I have to live with Aunt Dana and then live with someone I don't even know? What if I don't like them do I have a choose? The next thing I know a police officer is coming in. He comes over to me and says he has more bad news. (Is that even possible?) (Apparently it is!) he said. 

Your house was not burned down on an accident. Someone burned you house on purpose. Most likely trying to kill your family including you.

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