Copyright Statement and Summary

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Copyright Statement

The entire book, including (but not limited to): prologues, characters, epilogues, and chapters are copyright protected. All rights reserved by the author and any unauthorized copying/stealing/editing/manipulation/etc. of my (heyitscatnip's) work will be punished by law under infrigement of copyright.

But actually, don't steal my work.  If you do, I promise I will find you and make your life a lot harder. :)


"You want love?" he asks, pushing a strand of black hair off my forehead.

"I don't know. I don't need some special kind of love.  I don't need someone to hold me and call me theirs. It would just be nice to have someone who would lie next to me at night and tell me I'm beautiful."

 He laughs lightly. "Skipping the wild teenage years and heading straight for boring married couple, are you?"


Meet Taylor Oakes: For the sixteen years that Taylor has been alive, she has loved smoothies. It might be because it was all her mom fed her as a baby, or the fact that she was never content with just one fruit. A beverage that included all of them just seemed so much better.

Meet Aaron Wright: Born and raised on the coast of California, he is tall, tan, and happy.  All he's ever really wanted is to finish a book and publish it.  The catch is that he doesn't want it to be a random book.  It has to mean something, it has to be someone's story. He just hasn't found that person yet.

Taylor's mom agrees that after she graduates high school she can fly to Santa Cruz, California for the summer and stay with her Aunt Cleo.  If Taylor manages to open a smoothie shop and get it running by the time school starts up again, her mom will relocate them to the West Coast. If not, Taylor has to go back home for her senior year.

The problem is, Taylor has no idea how to open a smoothie shop.

Then she meets Aaron. He knows everything there is to know about smoothies, the beach, and California in general, while she has a great story to tell.  Aaron, finally having found his muse, offers to help Taylor start up her business.

And so they strike a deal.

Mango Passion and The Male Species (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now