Chapter One

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"We're close," Gabriel said, his angelic green eyes rimmed with black wire-framed glasses. His skin was pale, his cheeks rose-colored from the chill.  

Each one of the boys perked up a bit, relieved that finally, they had found The Healer. It had been a long trip to the dark, tree-laden land in which they were told to look for him. The crisp air turned their cheeks pink as they trudged through the snow.  

"I bet he's brave and intelligent," Joshua said with a smile. He kept close to Sage, the oldest boy in the group.  

"That's where you wrong, Joshua," Gabriel smirked. "He, in all actuality, is a she."

When Anya overlooked the placid lake on the edge of the property, she couldn't help but clasp the mug between her gentle fingers a little tighter. Her heart wrenched for a split second, but she quickly put it to the back of her mind. She couldn't let such small things bother her so much. She had a job to do and nothing could distract her. She couldn't let herself lose someone else.  

In the woods, she heard a sudden burst of a raven's song, the birds quickly flying away, spreading their wings, and gliding on the cold, wintry air.  

Anya sat straight, her back rim-rod. Her cheeks were angular and sharp, tinted rose. Her plump, top lip sat parted from her bottom lip, giving a feminine touch to her intimidating face. Her nose was straight, curved up slightly at the end, giving a cherubic look to her. Her eyes, caramel brown, shined even when she frowned, like two gemstones. Her golden brown hair was neatly done in a tight bun near the nape of her neck.  

With precise movements, she checked the wristwatch. The ticking hands indicated the time was 5:30 a.m., specifically five minutes before Doctor Kliensorge woke. It was also another hour before Mr. Hatsby, the only current live-in patient, woke.  

At the tender age of fifteen, Anya moved in with the lonely Doctor Kliensorge. Kliensorge, who was quite ruthless, accepted Anya, just as long as she planned on becoming his predecessor. Kliensorge was the only doctor in Northwood for miles and the only doctor willing to take house calls.  

Kliensorge was a somber man who rarely ever smiled. His wife died only three years after the marriage, leaving Kliensorge a very grave man indeed. As a child, Anya hold been told many horror stories about the man, including the story in which his own wife was stuffed and sat in the living room. For Anya, had to put the rumors to rest by her very self. Living at home was no longer an option, seeing as her parents only considered her a liability. After seeing her sunken into such a great depression, they had lost all hope for a daughter to be wed and profited off. The last thing Anya ever wanted was to be wed to a man in exchange for livestock. She would rather place her bet on love and marry a man she could look at and never think of the pigs or cattle that had be given in her name.  

Looking once again into the forest, Anya came across a small raven that had badly torn it's wing. Carefully, she placed the ceramic mug on the small table, taking nimble steps in the snow. She knelt in the white, pure snow, which was poisoned with a black feather and scarlet blood. Ever so softly, she placed her fingers over where the heart was. Through her fingers she saw ivory, gossamer threads bind themselves around the stilled heart. Like a bolt of light, the raven shot up, gave a curious look to Anya, and flew off, catching up with the dark mass in the sky.  

Her fingers stung slightly, like a small, electric pulse was running through them. From the twinge of pain came the pleasure of the restoration of life. She stood back up, brushed the snow off of her navy dress and thick, winter jacket and sat back down on the porch, once again, sipping her tea.  

Her gift was always a tender subject. Only she knew about her talent and she fully intended on keeping it that way. She didn't search to find others like her in fear that she would find that she was no better than anyone else. Perhaps, she was also afraid she would find that she was nothing more than an incubus.  

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