"A Mountain Of Plastic"

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Chapter 1: A Fish's House

         Once there was a friendly fish called Charley. He needed to build a house for his family because he wanted them to have the the best and the most beautiful home that other family's of sea creatures did not have. He told this family where he was going and Charley left saying his good byes. He took off swimming throughout the ocean's floor trying to find the best of the building materials that the sea creatures had built.

        Charley swam to their special place where the sea creatures had created their own ecologically correct trees! But when he arrived, Charley couldn't recognize the place he once knew. Everything around here was unusually darkened by Mountains of plastic straws dangling from the top of the water. And a lot of his fishtailing friends, had eaten their share of the plastic trees and their families were lying on the bottom of the ocean's floor dead.

     "I can't use these mountains of plastic trees for my home. Our ocean's floor will soon suffer from this and all the plastic that people have ignorantly thrown out! Just look how the other fishes home are damaged and then tell me if I should use these trees? If things don't change, there won't be anything left in our ocean to enjoy. In fact we won't have an ocean to swim in, if this world doesn't work together. Don't they realize how much this hurts them as well as it hurts the creatures of the sea. This is an ecological breakdown if we continue as we are going and there won't be an ocean for our children to swim in!

      Sadly, Charley went home to tell his family that he needed to come up with an idea to get everyone to realize what they are doing to the oceans! He thought and thought, about how he was going to make them understand! When he suddenly had an ...

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      Sadly, Charley went home to tell his family that he needed to come up with an idea to get everyone to realize what they are doing to the oceans! He thought and thought, about how he was going to make them understand! When he suddenly had an idea. I am going to tell my other family of sea friends and then they all can jump out of the ocean's water with me, telling with every human they meet, what is growing underneath them on our ocean's floor. So he asked his fish friends for help, and help was on its way. If we all work together, we could spread the word to everyone! Charley said. And the future will be better for us to enjoy on earth!

       So everyone helped Charley with his project, calling it, "Save Our Oceans From Plastic!" And No sooner than you could blink an eye, all the sea creatures got the the attention of every human being swimming around the ocean that day. And when they heard what was happening underwater with the plastic, they were upset, saying why didn't anyone tell us before? They asked.

       But Charley was so excited because they listened, he suddenly jumped out of the water saying his thanks to everyone for help!
"If you hadn't helped me through this problem, we wouldn't have an ocean to swim in, ever again!"

"The End!"

As Ever, MaryEllenCampbell MEC©️2018

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