Mother knows best

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(Mikenna's POV)

"yes mom, I really do want this." This is the lie I tell myself, and the lie I tell her. This is the lie I have to tell myself, the lie I must believe to save my mom. her gaze softened

"Then I support you full, just as I've always have." Oh God I felt so nauseous, I never thought I would be in this position. My mom was sick, the same way my dad had been before had passed away.

"I won't be leaving you alone, I'll write and call, and Sue from across the street said she'd check in on you daily." I said while I finished getting ready.

" Thank you love bug, will you visit?" She asked look almost scared. Like she was going to lose me forever.

" Of course I will, are you crazy? Actually don't answer that." I teased

" Oh haha, very funny" she sighed " you look so beautiful and mature, but you need to get going or you'll be late."

Glancing at the clock I noticed how right she was, I made my final adjustments, said good bye and began my walk to the reception hall.

(Sean's POV)

Watching the peaceful contryside roll by, I was entertained by the reason I had been asked to come back to the Royal castle. I had received a call from my father, the king, that he wanted to resign from the thrown. Considering I'm a bastard I didn't know why he would be telling me untill he said

"You are my son Sean, just as Eric is, I want you to both have a chance to succeed to the thrown. We will only discuss this further should you choose to accept the offer. "

Coming out here was dangerous, not knowing fully why was suicidal, yet I did anyway. A chance like this is unheard of, for any illegitimate child. That's why as the driver pulled up to the front gates I was ready to be ambush. Silently the driver got out unlocked the gates and drove in. Without hesitation and without a word, as if it were normal to have me here. It took seconds for us to make it to the front doors where I saw my father, half brother, his mother, and... And my mom? I hadn't know she was here as well. To see her here alive and not in distress eased me a bit, only a little. The driver opened the door stepping out I was greeted first by my father with a firm hand shake, my mother then hugged me as did Eric. His mother did her best to be civil to not show how badly she wished she had killed me as a child.

"We're glad you could make it." She lied, wearing a plastered smile.

"I'm pleased that I'm able to be here, thank you. " This wasn't a lie, knowing that while I was here they couldn't try to kill me without suspicion leading back to them.

Speaking with the importance of authority my father stated " we should be heading inside to discuss this further." With that we flowed int through the doors.

Walking down the halls of marble and granite, adorn with navy and gold I couldn't help but feel selcouth, of course I didn't give the slightest hint that I felt this, I have accustomed myself to know my worth. Finally we approached a large ominous door, upon entering it was clear this was a sort of meeting space. It included a fireplace with bookshelves on either side a couch facing it and a piano on the opposite side of the room. Eric in a terse moment was on the couch, while my mother sat at the piano.

"Well shall we get in with it?" Eric asked all too egar to get the ball rolling.

"Yes, there's no reason to delay, and we're short on time as is. Now, as you all know, I'm resigning my position to either of my sons. This will be done differently than it has in the past, you will both meet a hundred young ladies today. Out of them you will pick 25, and over the course of a year you will get rid of two a month so that you come to a final girl then she will choose between the two of you. " All of us were stunned. Too many things were flawed, to add to the chaos my family's voices fumbbled over one another

Eirc's mother whaled outraged "A bastard king?"

Perplexed Eric questioned "The girl chooses?"

My mom Consious of the obvious mathematical error "How will they agree on the 25th?"

Somehow in the midst of it all the hatered that spilled from the mouth of the queen was heard by my mom as well as the king

"Melinda!" My father's voice roared" How dare you say such a thing about a prince, but my son non the less!"

"My son would be a far greater king then yours any day! " I heard my mom screech glancing over at her I could tell she was in full woge and that they all saw it.

"God I can't believe you cheated on me with that" Melinda scoffed at my mother. I took a defensive step blocking my mom from Melinda all together.

"That is enough from all of you!" He was fuming by now directing his attention at Melinda he glared

"Sean will be a equal option in this choosing and you will respect that or Erik has no chance at all, and we will only present Sean." The room became deafeningly silent, and for once Erik seemed presently concerned for once, that he may not get his way.

This lifeless stand off was getting us nowhere I spoke to set us back in track. " Where would we house them for this long?"

In an instant we went back to normal and civil " here at the castle like the rest of us, they also think today is the only choosing. "

Exaggerating a yawn and strech Eric gestured to his watch " not that this all isn't interesting, but I do believe we need to leave in the next half hour. "

Drawing our attention towards the grandfather clock, we saw that he was right, we needed to be there at three.

"In that case we should be leaving soon, it would be better if we are early. " I glanced at them looking for there agreement. I did but unfortunately who it came from worried me.

"You're absolutely right Sean." It was Eric's mother whom was excitingly please at the thought of us getting ready, it seemed conniving in a way. She plesently turned to my father linking there arms. "Fredrick we should have the boys get ready."

He looked at her with soft eyes, then closed them silently nodding. "Yes we should, boys head to the bathing chambers. Eric, show your brother the way."

Getting up from the couch taking a polite bow he said "but of course, come along brother. I think you might enjoy this." He glided past me to the door. " Well are you coming with me or are you going to take your chances getting lost?"

I made large strides toward Eric gliding as I did taking one last glance at my mother before rounding the corner into the corridor.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2018 ⏰

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