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"Anna. It's been a while."

Elsa appears from almost nowhere. She looks so different, three years can change so much. Her hair is short and spiked on top of her head like icicles and tinted slightly with black. Her face seems gaunter, with a malevolent smirk stretched onto her features. She is dressed in a simple dark blue dress, and heels that should leave her feet frozen. But Elsa never felt the cold, not even when we were little. A crown of black ice is perched on her head.

The true queen of the ice and snow.

"So what brings you to my humble dwelling, little sister?" She is suddenly behind me, moving so fast all I see is a flurry of snow.

"I-I'm here for the boy." I stutter, unlike my sister, I do feel the cold. And boy is it cold up here.

"Who? Little Kai? Oh please don't take away my new friend." She pouts at me, spins back in front of me. She seems to have become completely immature, and it unnerves me. The girl I grew up with was refined, grown up before her time. Always so scared of herself. I think it was my parent's death that did it. That cracked her, sent her over the edge. It's been deadly winter ever since, and nothing I say to her will get her to thaw it. And I tried, I really did. It didn't help though, not at all. All I got for my efforts was mutilation.

"Let him go Elsa, he needs to go home." She laughs a sharp cackle that echoes off the pristine ice.

"Oh but he chose to come to me! I was just minding my own business when he latched his sledge onto mine; I can hardly be blamed now can I?" She's grinning at me, but in a strange, mad humour that seems void. Her eyes don't share any of the joy in her face, the pupils slightly over-dilated. Black bottomless pits that contain none of the emotion she used to harbor so much.

"You enchanted him, I could tell! You put a slice of your ice in his heart." I snap, beginning to grow more confident and less patient. She smirks again.

"Well I suppose you would know all about my enchantments, wouldn't you? How's the eye by the way?" She asks, clearly amused by the whole situation.

"I went blind."

"Only in one eye! And you're fine now! The trolls fixed you up good and proper! Where are they by the way?" I ignore her question.

"It's still white." She purses her lips.

"Well I think it looks good." I scowl at her. I'm not the only victim of her twisted ice experiments, and I know I've come out good compared to many others. Not everyone is fortunate to be acquainted with trolls. Not that they're any good these days, no one's seen them for almost two years now. Once Elsa reached the peak of her powers they disappeared. I don't blame them really.

"The girl's coming." I declare, and see slight panic flicker in her eyes.

"Which one?"

"You know which one." She turns away from me, black ice spiking at her feet. She spins around suddenly, making me jump.

"Let her come, I'd like to see what a little girl could do. As for you, I'll allow you to leave unharmed this time; you do keep all the peasants from dying which is very useful to me. But watch yourself sister dear, next time I might not be so merciful." She walks up to her tall throne, constructed from terrifying shards of pure clear ice. I glare at her, but manage to stop myself from yelling something rude. I've learnt my lesson about disobeying my sister. She'll learn a lesson too though I think, after all.

Summer is coming.

Black Ice Will ThawWhere stories live. Discover now