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Cool, soft breeze. Rough bark against her back. A book in her hands.

Unbeknownst to her, her best friend is sitting on the other side of the tree, also reading, but she is too absorbed in the happenings of her story to notice.

He gets up, finally, and plops down next to her.

Without looking up from the riveting chapter, her lips spread into a smile that makes his heart melt.

He goes back to his book, and she tries to focus on hers again, but finds that her concentration has been broken. After five, six, seven minutes of trying to immerse herself in her book, she realizes she hasn't turned a page since he sat next to her.

Stealing a glance at the person next to her, her gaze is captured by the expression on his face. His eyebrows are furrowed, his deep brown gaze fixated on the words before him, drawing him into their world and making him a part of it.

She goes back to her book, her arm brushing his as she turns one more page, losing herself to the story once again.


After he sits next to her, he reads for five, six minutes, then realizes he hasn't comprehended the pages he just read, and his senses are completely attuned to the girl beside him.

The only things his mind can focus on are her warmth, her scent, the light brush of her hair on his arm, her breathing, and the turning pages of her book. It's not his fault she only see them as best friends, but they're too close and he doesn't want to risk losing her friendship.

It means too much.


And...her concentration just will not stay on her book.

So she decides to tease him.

Still masquerading as being immersed in her story, she scoots just a bit closer, so their arms are touching.

Then she lets her right arm hang down into the grass next to his leg.

Slowly move it up...


Tickle attack.

He yelps when she suddenly digs her fingers into his sides, falling over into the grass.

She climbs on top of him, never ceasing the attack, until they're both helpless with giggles.

Then, as she lies on top of him, she notices just how close their faces are, and he notices too.

They stare wide-eyed at each other for a few seconds before she scrambles to get up, rolling off of him and brushing off her jeans.

She picks up her book again and sits down against the tree, like nothing happened.


He decides that he should ignore what just happened, and picks his book back up too.

When he sits back down, it's a bit farther from her than before, not brushing her arm anymore.

After a few minutes of both of them determinedly ignoring each other, he decides something.

He leans over and kisses her cheek.

But as he does, she turns her head...

...and their lips meet.


He's my best friend.

But you've always wanted to be more.

But what if he doesn't?

He's kissing you, you idiot.


Two seconds pass and neither of them move a muscle, both leaning against the tree staring, frozen, into the other's shocked gaze.

Then, slowly, her eyes flicker shut and her stiff posture softens.

His hands come up to cradle her face, smoothing her hair back as he tilts his head to bring them even closer together.

Their lips slowly moving against each other, each of them realizes something.

I have feelings for him, and he has feelings for me.

She has feelings for me.

We both possibly love each other.

Their lips part with a soft sound, eyes slowly open, and they stare, speechless, at each other.

He speaks first.

"Will...will you...go out with me?"

She's still frozen, mouth parted slightly, regaining higher brain function.

"Y-yes. Yes!"



This is my first attempt at a one-shot story, besides Our Day, and I really hope you liked it!

Leya 💜

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