Black and White Love

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                I sway with the piano and guitar as the lights make the stage glow. I close my eyes as I sing into the microphone. This is a small gig, but I like how quiet it is. I’m performing at a quaint coffee shop in Chicago, my hometown. My guitar player and piano player, my best friends, are Stephen and Kendra. They’re my life and I don’t know where I’d be without them. Stephen plays guitar and Kendra plays piano/keyboard, and they are both just so talented. I’m Alice, and I sing. I run my fingers through my blonde-almost-white hair as I get more into the song about love and heartbroken souls. I open my eyes and look at the people that are enjoying their cappuccinos and frappuccinos and other drinks ending in “-ccino”. I smile when I see a little girl dancing around the floor in a little pink dress. She’s so happy. I miss being a little kid.

            My attention is brought to the guy walking into the store and up to the counter to order something. He has the blackest hair I’ve ever seen that falls right above his shoulders and curls at the ends. He smiles at the barista and takes off his sunglasses. His eyes are the prettiest shade of blue I’ve ever seen. He takes out his wallet and pays the barista, takes his drink. He smiles and then looks at me. His smile does not fade as he finds a small table for two to sit at. I note how attractive he is and finish off my song.

            “Nice job guys.” I say to Stephen and Kendra.

Kendra leans over from the mini bench she’s sitting on and picks up her iced coffee. We all thought it was only right to order something since they’re paying us to perform. Stephen tunes his guitar a little as I walk over to Kendra and lean close to her.

            “See that cute guy that just walked in?” I whisper.

            “The one with the black hair and the Toms?” She asks. I smile and nod.

            “Yeah. He’s like staring at you.” She says.

I feel my face get hot and I pretend to casually look over at him. She’s right. He is staring at me. I take a sip of coffee and then some water to clear up my throat.

            “What are we playing next?” Stephen asks.

            “How about Rescue?” I suggest.

            “Sure.” They say in unison.

Kendra starts playing the piano (which the coffee shop is awesome enough to have) and Stephen strums his guitar. Rescue is about a girl who is losing sight of who she is, she wants to  give up, but then a guy comes along and saves her. Kendra and I wrote it while I was staying at her house after her boyfriend broke up with her. I take a deep breath and start singing. I feel so powerful when I’m singing. I glance over at the cute guy and he’s watching us. He has a smile of an angel. I look away slowly and keep up my harmony. Kendra does some of her backup singing as her fingers move around the piano in a soft rhythm. Stephen’s fingers are magic (not what you’re thinking, we’re just friends) as they strum his guitar. He’s concentrating, making sure he gets every note. I do those subtle hand movements as I sing, adding to it. I sing out the last note and people clap. I smile at the small audience.

            “Thank you.” I say into the microphone.

I turn back to Kendra and we sip our drinks.

            “He’s still looking over here.” I mumble.

            “Actually. I would turn around.” Kendra replies quietly.

I spin around and that guy is walking towards me. My heart starts racing and I get butterflies.

            “Hey.” He says.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 23, 2013 ⏰

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