The figure (short story)

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The figure

I stood at the end of the road waiting for my parents to come and pick me up. An icy chill blew against my bare ankles. A light appeared in the distance. It was my parent’s car. They pulled up beside me and I got in.

“Did you enjoy the party?” my mam asked. The car window was down so her long hair slowly fluttered in the breeze.

“Yeah, it was fun,” I replied. We drove a couple of miles down the road and came to a complete stop.

“Why have you stopped?” my mam asked my dad.

I think that the car has broken down,” he replied, “We’ll walk home and I’ll come and pick the car up tomorrow.” We walked towards the forest on the end of the road. Snowflakes began to sprinkle themselves across the lush forest. Light ignited the abandoned forest. A roar of sound echoed. Flames engulfed and rose higher than the trees. Animals howled and growled as they tried to escape the flames. Dark smoke grew through the forest and destroyed everything in its path. We started running as a fast as we could. Forcing air in to my lungs with everything step, I didn’t look where I was running and I tripped on a twig. I couldn’t see my parents anywhere; I must have got separated from them in all of the commotion. Fear was starting to overwhelm me. I was alone. The fire was getting bigger and spreading through the forest. I ran back towards the car. I opened the door and sat in there. They would find me here. I pulled out my phone to try and phone for some help……..

The cold winds blew down the hollow road. The sound of owls echoed through the empty streets. The silver moon shone. The wolves howled. The snow below me glittered like a light at the end of a tunnel. Footprints in the snow were as widespread as craters in the moon. Splinter stuck in my bare hands as I scrambled up the pine tree. One lone snow angle laid on a blanket of snow, surrounded by frozen footprints. A sliver of light reflected off the still waters, the rays beamed into the seemingly life less forest. A pair of ghostly glowing eyes appeared in the trees surrounding the dead lake. My increasing heart rate echoed in my head as I jerked backwards. My frozen hands could no longer hold on to the snow covered branch. I fell and landed with a thump, as the falling snow from the tree covered me like a white sheet over a dead body. I held my breath. I felt the ground beneath me shake as something passed by. I reminded silent for a few moments until everything seemed still. Everything was silent. I sat up and brushed the icy snow off my frozen skin. I looked up. Through the misty scenery I could see a cloaked figure gracefully floating into the haze, leaving nothing behind. Not even a footprint. Within a blink of an eye it was gone.

Light ignited the abandoned forest. A roar of sound echoed. Flames engulfed and rose higher than the trees. Animals howled and growled as they tried to escape the inferno. Dark smoke grew thickly through the forest and destroyed everything in its path. The once cold forest was now filled with a warm orange glow. Ash hovered around me. The heat coming from it restricted my breathing.

I turned around and I ran as fast as I could. I inhaled deeply to get as much oxygen into my lungs as I could. The volume and speed of the fire increased as it reached the heart of the forest. I didn’t look where I was going and slid. Laid face down on the frozen lake. My eyesight shifted to a body laid motionless under the thick ice. My screams over powered the sounds of cracking and popping flames.

 I scrambled off the lake. Above me, the dark cloaked figure floated gracefully in my direction. I was frozen in fear. The figure’s long black cloak wipped harshly in the wind. The figure reached towards me with its long boney hand.

I aggressively pushed myself up and ran towards the one part of the forest that was no longer on fire. I walked through the scorched remains of the once lush forest. Tree bark burned to a crisp. Smoke flooding the sky. Trees snapped in half.  No wolves left to howl. No birds left to sing. The forest was abandoned more than ever now.

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