Chapter 1

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Joanne's rich shade of mahagony hair fell over her shoulders. She positions herself in the microphone infront of her before speaking.

"Students of Eastway Academy 5 days ago we lost a fellow student, she wasn't just any student she was strong and brave."

Joanne reached below her to extract a lighter and candle.

"Under your chair is a candle and lighter please light your candle in respect of Amanda Meyer."

With that said everyone took their candles from under there chair and did what was told.The candles gave the room a glow like fireflies at night.Then a peircing scream broke the silence and the room went pitch black. You could hear whispers and shuffling.Then the lights flickered on and there he was, their lifeless dean hanging from the chandelier. Dark colored blood dripped off his body where he was stabed numerous times. Student gasped, cried and screamed but no one moved.

after a couple of minutes.

ms.rosell told all students to evacuate from the building and to stay had gray hair that stopped at her mid back .you could tell that she was pretty when she was young.

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