Dark Mysty - Yandere Kidnapping Pt.0

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Waiting in the living room for our pizza me and my group of friends chill playing video games. Erik cracks a joke every few minutes as usual whilst everyone curses at how terrible they are. My phone buzzes again with yet another text message from Mysty. I don't bother to look at it placing my phone beside me on the coffee table. Monika launches herself towards me giggling. "Cheer up grumpy" She snickers attempting to tickle my armpits. I gently play fight with her laughing and enjoying the company of my friends. So much time has passed and they still support me despite my depressive phase after meeting the women who would change my whole life. Mysty. My phone buzzes on the table yet again. Monika sighs before picking up my mobile and switching it off. "Jeez" She mutters under her breath, "talk about clingy".

I cough watching Erik throw the game controller across the floor nearly hitting his brother David. We all laugh at his game raging before the doorbell rings. "Oh hell yeah, pizza is here" Erik yells fist pumping. I roll my eyes getting up of the sofa and walking to the door with Monika. "We will go half on the pizza" She whispers placing a ten-pound note in my hand. I nod before answering the door. To my surprise Mysty is at the door with the pizza boxes in her arms and a very pissed expression. I could have sworn she stared at Monika with the most pained look. She snaps out of it and a large grin spreads across her face. "I was trying to call you to let you know I was here, however you didn't answer" She explains with a slightly sad look. Guilt floods through me. Since when did she become a delivery girl. "Oh, I am so sorry about that I didn't hear my phone ring or the doorbell" I answer my voice breaking slightly. The poor girl had already been through so much, I didn't want to make her feel unwanted. "Oh please, how much is the order before it goes cold" Monika spits. That was out of line. I turn to her and scold her for being rude. I don't know if it was my imagination or not, but I swear I could hear Mysty grinding her teeth. I turn to look at her, but she just smiles. I can't help but stare at the stitches on her face and her bandages. Poor girl. I really didn't understand the problem Monika and the others had with her. Sure she could be a little creepy but she was always polite to me. "It's on the house, completely my treat" Mysty grins. Before I could say anything she practically threw the food at me before heading for her car. I reach out for her but am quickly stopped by Monika snatching my hand. "Let's go in before the food goes cold" she growls.

Once inside everyone quickly sits at the table with music blaring in the background. We scarf down the food complaining at how cold it is. "The girls face is ruined not her eyesight, did she have trouble driving"? David complains. Monika and Erik laugh making jokes about Mysty once again. I loved my friends, but they could be really nasty and over protective at times. "I think I have a serious food coma" Erik yawns lying down on the sofa. I nod feeling sleepy too. "You guys seriously ate too much" Monika laughs not looking affected at all. She hardly ate the food complaining about not wanting to gain weight. Appearance was everything to her. "I will get you all some blankets you big babies, I think you keep them in your bedroom right"? She asks all smug. I nod before laying on the other sofa. Not long after Monika leaves the room we all are startled by a scream. It's definitely Monika. David flies out the room. I quickly follow after him and witness the most horrific thing that would traumatise me for life. Mysty is in my bedroom holding a knife to Monika's throat. "This is going to be fun" Mysty chuckles darkly winking at me. She actually winked at me. What the ..? My own thoughts are cut off as David charges at her. "No don't do it she might hurt Monika" I yell reaching to grab him. It was too late. Mysty throws her to the ground, however she is still alive. "A bit too slow, are you feeling tired"? Mysty sings in a low demonic tone. Looking up I see a David try and swing for her, however his movements are slow. In the blink of an eye Mysty spins around and plunges a knife into his throat. She throws her head back and laughs loudly, pulling the knife back out of him. Pure evil. She laughs for a solid minute as I am stood frozen in shock feeling exhausted. She turns to Monika throwing her knife in the air and catching it by the handle. "Now this is where the fun is really going to start" She giggles like a child on Christmas day, completely amused. I can't bear to watch as I'm helpless. My consciousness fades quickly. Let my death be painless I beg to whoever may be listening.

Is this what death feels like? Nothing but emptiness and darkness. So why can I feel pain? My wrists are aching and I am feeling completely helpless. No, this can't be death. My heavy eyelids lift and everything is dark and blurred. My head is extremely heavy. What is this? I try and sit up to take in my surroundings however I quickly fail. My body is tied down to a bed. My arms and legs restrained by chains. I can't remember how I got here or the events that led up to it. The sounds of the chains clanking echo throughout the dark room, not long before the light turns on and I hear the door creak open. The familiar voice cuts me like a knife. "Ah your finally awake sweetheart" Mysty whispers into my ear. Mysty is stood over me looking down at me like I was her most wanted Christmas present. I am thoroughly confused and in disbelief. "You are all mine and I have you all to myself" She chuckles. 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 25, 2018 ⏰

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